Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Get Pregnant - What You Need to Know to Make This Happen

Statistics have shown that infertility problems can be a major reason for marriage breakdown.
It is for this reason that many couples who realise the strain that infertility is putting on their relationship are interested in books and other products concerning how to get to pregnant.
Of course not everybody wants children, but for those who do and are having trouble conceiving, tools such as books on how to get pregnant are vital sources of hope for them.
A number of women, who managed to get pregnant after many years of trying, sing the praises of such books.
Many experts are amazed that those who are experiencing fertility problems fail to realise the importance of a well balanced diet.
An unhealthy diet can be a major reason for couples failing to get pregnant.
It goes without saying that if either or both partners are not following a balanced and healthy diet that they should immediately change their eating habits.
If possible they should eat organically, as research has shown that a build up of toxins in the body can impede fertility.
We now know that the sad fact is that much of the fruit and vegetables that we eat, if not organic, are often loaded with pesticides.
Of course cutting out alcohol is also an important factor, not only for the woman in the couple but also for the man.
This is essential, as many experts say that an excess of alcohol in the body is often a major cause of infertility.
It is also important if one or both of the partners in the couple smoke, that they stop.
Nicotine in the blood can also compromise fertility.
Many fertility experts also advise cutting out any products or beverages which contain caffeine such as coffee.
The optimum time to have sexual intercourse is during the ovulation period.
In the case of a woman whose menstrual cycle is regular, this is between the 14th and 28th day of the cycle.
Those women who do not have regular menstrual cycles will need to look out for signs of the ovulation period such as bloating or tender breasts.
Those who have pre-existing medical conditions such as endometriosis may find it a challenge to get pregnant, and may need to seek expert medical help.
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