- When a termite takes up residence in a physical structure, it will generally burrow into wooden spaces, as well as develop a series of surface-level tunnels. By contrast, cockroaches generally nest in crevices, while fleas reside on warm-blooded animals. A termite inspector, therefore, would not necessarily spot them.
- While an inspection for termites would not necessarily turn up cockroaches or fleas, a trained pest control expert could very well notice their presence. In particular, cockroaches may take up residence in areas near which a termite population resides.
- According to U.S. Inspect, termite inspections are intended to identify whether a structure contains termites by examining those areas they would most likely to inhabit for signs of their presence. If the inspector were to find other insect pests, it would be largely coincidental.
Termites Nest Separately
They Might Notice Them
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