Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Possible Complications During Pregnancy - How to Minimize Potential Risks

Pregnancy can be a very exciting time for many women, full of wonder and joy.
There are other women who experience complications during their pregnancy that can cause a great deal of physical and emotional stress to a couple.
There are many possible complications during pregnancy that can occur, and some of these complications can be avoided.
There are also those that cannot be avoided, and it is important to know the signs of these complications.
Below is a list of common possible complications during pregnancy that can occur, and the common forms of treatment for each of these complications.
  • Gestational Diabetes - This is a condition that affects approximately 18 percent of all pregnancies.
    This type of diabetes is a temporary onset of the disease that is similar to the Type II diabetes.
    There are no known causes for this condition.
    Hormones inhibit the ability for the insulin to work effectively in a woman's body.
    Many women that have this type of diabetes can suffer possible complications during pregnancy, so diet and glucose level monitoring is necessary throughout the term.
    Nutritional assistance and tracking is necessary.
    Many babies are at risk of being born insulin resistant, born severely overweight or born with breathing problems.
  • Toxoplasmosis - This is a virus cause by cat feces.
    This is a preventable possible complication during pregnancy.
    It is critical that a pregnant woman does not handle or go near cat feces.
    If a woman has a cat, she should delegate the cat litter box chore to another household member or get help from someone outside the home.
    This virus can cause symptoms in the pregnant woman that include fever, swollen lymph nodes and fatigue.
    If left untreated babies can be born with conditions ranging from jaundice to mental retardation.
    This is treated with several months of antibiotics.
  • Low or High Amniotic Fluid Levels - Having too low or too high of amniotic fluid can cause possible complications during pregnancy that range from ruptured placenta to preterm labor.
    There are treatments available for both cases.
    For low amniotic fluid during pregnancy a woman can be given amniotic infusion to increase the levels.
    For high amniotic fluid, certain medication can reduce this fluid amount.
    It is important to have regular checkups with a doctor to avoid this complication from becoming serious and affecting the baby.
  • Preeclampsia - This is a possible complication during pregnancy that occurs in women who have high blood pressure during pregnancy.
    It is important that this condition is treated early, because the possible complications from severe preeclampsia can suffer from a failure for the baby to grow.
    Treatment can include bed rest on the side to avoid the baby not getting enough oxygen.
    Eating healthy, participating in an exercise routine, drinking plenty of water, and not using salt with meals can help to avoid having this complication.
  • Placenta Previa - This is a complication where the placenta is low in the uterus.
    There is a factor that threatens the placenta may detach from the cervix and cause preterm labor.
    This typically occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy.
    Bed rest is the treatment of choice for many women, and this can be helpful in delivering a full term baby.
  • Strep Infection - This is one of the possible complications during pregnancy that can cause complications to the child after birth.
    This type of strep infection is found around the vaginal wall or the anus, and can be passed to the child through natural birth.
    Most women are tested and treated with antibiotic if they have been exposed or they are found to be a carrier.
    Not all women who carry Strep B Infection pass this along to their child, but it is best to be tested to avoid complications.
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