Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Are There Real Differences Between Traditional Saunas and Far Infrared Saunas?

Many people are wondering about the newest development in spa equipment: Far Infrared saunas.
Even celebrities like Oprah have dedicated time to learning more about these new saunas.
Demonstrated on one of her talk show episodes about anti-aging, Dr.
Oz explained only one session in a Far Infrared (or FIR) sauna can burn up to 700 calories, detoxify your body, and possibly even lower blood pressure.
Traditional saunas operate by heating the air which in turn heats the body.
The highly effective detoxifying effects of FIR saunas are a result of radiant heat (much like the sun's heat, less UV rays) penetrating directly into the body's tissues.
The latter method causes the body to start sweating much faster.
The main advantage of a deeply penetrating heat like that used in FIR saunas is the body sweats at much lower temperatures of approximately 120 - 150 degrees F (compared to a typical 185-195 degrees), making it easier to have longer sessions which inevitably will provide better results.
There are absolutely no rocks, water, or steam to be found in a Far Infrared sauna.
Instead, it operates using an electrical panel where you program the time and temperature and simply wait for the Infrared heat to fill the room; this can take anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes depending on the type of FIR sauna.
Far Infrared saunas are also much more commonly placed indoors and more often than not come in pre-assembled pieces that are very easy to put together.
This means you can also take them apart easily if you move.
It's also common for FIR saunas to only require standard electrical outlets as opposed to the usual dedicated breaker needed for traditional high powered saunas.
It's clear that FIR saunas not only offer health benefits, there are other benefits such as the easy setup and potential energy savings.
Due to all of these benefits plus more, Far Infrared saunas are rapidly increasing in popularity among all kinds of households.
Before you do purchase a sauna for your household, it is crucial to decide which type suits your personal preferences since FIR saunas are much milder in temperature and have different atmospheres than those using rocks, water, and steam.
If you enjoy the sensation of the high heat and humidity, you're better off going with a traditional sauna.
It is also very helpful to consult the sauna manual prior to choosing which type to go with.
In any case, it is essential to your health to have your doctor's approval before using any sauna, whether far infrared saunas or traditional ones.
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