- The normal female body fat range falls between 14 percent and 25 percent, depending on age and ethnicity. The normal male body fat range falls between 9 percent and 19 percent.
- The cheapest and most accessible way to measure body fat is with a body fat scale using bio-electrical impedance (BIA). BIA sends a safe, electrical charge from one pole to another and measures the speed at which the signal travels. Fat impedes the electrical signal so, the more fat present, the slower the signal.
- Body fat percentage gives a clearer idea of overall fitness than height/weight charts and is an important tool for weight loss. It's possible to gain muscle while exercising so taking regular body fat readings is a more accurate indicator of progress than scale weight.
- The best way to maintain a healthy body fat percentage is with regular exercise and a healthy diet. The USDA Food Guide Pyramid is a great source for diet information.
- It is possible for the body fat percentage to be too low. The body has storage fat and essential fat. Some storage fat is required to protect the organs and essential fat is required for nerve conduction and other bodily functions.
Healthy Body Fat
Measuring Body Fat
Why Body Fat Percentage Is Useful
Maintaining a Healthy Body Fat Percentage
When Body Fat Percentage is Too Low