Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Book, Make Today Count by John C Maxwell

As a disciple of leadership, John Maxwell is one of my heroes I look up to.
He has so many great, common sense, thoughts that you can't help but soak it up.
While this is one of his newer books, it did not receive the fanfare some of his other books have received over the years.
I actually wasn't quite sure it was THE John Maxwell at first when I picked it up in the Portland Airport.
It is short at only 130 pages, which is very unusual for Dr.
He can usually go for quite some time! The book is also very small, as in it only measures about 6" by 4.
However, one only needs to turn to the first page to know a John Maxwell book.
As the title would predict, this book is about how you can make today "a masterpiece of potential.
" With good decisions + daily discipline = A Masterpiece of Potential.
Good decisions today will give you a better tomorrow.
Maxwell outlines the twelve critical areas we must focus on to have the masterpiece of potential.
The daily dozen are: attitude, priorities, health, family, thinking, commitment, finances, faith, relationships, generosity, values and growth.
There were a number of great points made in the book, but to point out just a few: Anytime you are going to engage in a great (and potentially risky!) endeavor, give it serious consideration first.
How else are you going to know where it ranks in priority in your life? It may be easy to find good reasons not to give.
But it's just as easy to find good reasons to give.
You just need to look for them.
Go out of your way to find reasons to give.
Lead others on the values YOU embrace, not based on being a crowd pleaser and according to what is popular.
What are you doing for personal growth? Growth is not an automatic process.
Develop and follow a personal growth plan for your life.
Have a time and plan to grow.
Earl Nightingale said, "if a person will spend one hour a day on the same subject for five years, that person will be an expert on that subject.
" Listen to audio lessons, read two books a month, set appointments with someone that will help you grow and file what you learn in an easy to find spot.
Find a quiet place and just think for 15 minutes per day.
Close your eyes, keep your body still and your mind busy.
Some are able to do it this way, others do it slightly different.
One friend of mine finds it very relaxing to run and finds she does most of her thinking while running.
She gets home and immediately writes out her thoughts she just had and says it is usually some of her best work.
Find a discipline within each of the daily dozen that you must do every day and then do it! If you can have the self discipline to do this, you will have a masterful day full of potential.
Make today count.
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