- New nursing students and those who are still considering nursing school are strongly urged to consider volunteering at a local hospital. You may not get to work with needles and charts, but being in a hospital atmosphere will give you the opportunity to start working with people and to understand what life is like for existing doctors and nurses.
- The act of studying should be to gain information that you will retain and be able to use, not to merely cram for a test and then forget what you've studied. What good will passing a test do if you can't remember how to treat an ailing patient? Take time to study every day, and make actually understanding the material your number-one priority. Make a constant, consistent effort to absorb as much information as possible, and you'll have a much easier time as you progress in your studies and career.
- Your physical health is just as important to your success in nursing school as anything else. Partying and drinking every night isn't going to get you anywhere; make time to play and enjoy yourself, but do it in moderation. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, and get some exercise on a regular basis. Stop smoking, drinking caffeine and indulging in excess amounts of alcohol. Set a good example for your patients.
- Pay attention in class, no matter how boring the subject matter. Make an effort to get to know your instructors by introducing yourself when the semester begins and remain friendly throughout. By involving yourself more, you'll end up paying more attention.
- Take your books to the library, park or cafeteria, somewhere far from distractions, and read the material being covering. Take notes, make flashcards and cross reference what you're learning with up-to-date information from nursing magazines and journals. The more you understand the material, the better you'll do on your exams and in your career.
- Don't panic when you start your clinicals or begin working with patients. If confused, either ask for clarification or take a moment to look up your current protocols before you begin. The more you study your instructors and acting nurses, the more you'll learn about how things really work in a hospital setting. Be as helpful as possible during your clinical rotations.
Study for Knowledge
Take Care of Yourself
Open Your Books