We've all been asked what we would do if money were no object to achieving our goals or acquiring a desired item.
I suppose in one sense this would seem a perfect solution.
No one has money and everything is free.
Can you imagine wanting a new luxury car and simply walking to a dealership (or to a grocery store parking lot) and simply driving off with it because you wanted it.
Why would anyone want to cook or serve you at a restaurant? There would be no tangible reason to do so.
There is no means of motivating someone to stay in a position without pay.
Perhaps you could get someone to enforce a certain amount of work, but the prime motivator for enforcement just isn't there without a means of reward.
Some people perceive money as evil, but the truth of the matter is money is a basic form of exchange that allows you to encourage a plumber to fix your pipes, a builder to build your home and a craftsman to build a treasured heirloom.
Money has a way of expanding options, which is why so many people would like a little more of the stuff.
When asked what you would do if money weren't an object is to invite you to dream a little bit about what may seem impossible in the present, but it does little to actually get you to the end result - the acquisition of a product or the fulfillment of that dream.
Money is the medium of possibility.
This form of exchange is moldable so that the one possessing the money has the greatest flexibility in ultimate use.
They can choose to save the money for larger purchases, set some money aside for educational pursuits or they can use it to pay off existing debt.
Individuals who want the best possibility in achieving real dreams and not the stuff of fantasy simmer moneymaking ideas on the hotplate of thought.
There can come a point where money is an all-consuming passion, but money has always been the primary exchange when ownership of something is transferred to another.
This could the transfer of a product, a service or even knowledge.
You should not feel badly about pursuing a dream that involves the acquisition of wealth.
It is money that is used to make lives better.
It is simply a tool.
You can use that money to improve your own life of the lives of those around you.
Moneymaking ideas are often considered because they hold the promise of a better life.
Sure, we say it holds the promise of money, but the truth is those most interested are ultimately concerned with how their lives could improve from the successful launch of one of these ideas.
Money is an object and there is a reason why so many are in pursuit of it.
That reason does not have to be greed, but it does center on making the lives each of us are given a bit better.
It can also serve as a means of extending our success to others who are also looking for an existence that is better than what they may currently be experiencing.
This can come in the form of job creation or knowledge enhancement.
Our goals and aspirations are improved with positive cash flow.
It is for that reason moneymaking ideas will continue to be at the forefront of a society built on the pursuit of capitalism.
I suppose in one sense this would seem a perfect solution.
No one has money and everything is free.
Can you imagine wanting a new luxury car and simply walking to a dealership (or to a grocery store parking lot) and simply driving off with it because you wanted it.
Why would anyone want to cook or serve you at a restaurant? There would be no tangible reason to do so.
There is no means of motivating someone to stay in a position without pay.
Perhaps you could get someone to enforce a certain amount of work, but the prime motivator for enforcement just isn't there without a means of reward.
Some people perceive money as evil, but the truth of the matter is money is a basic form of exchange that allows you to encourage a plumber to fix your pipes, a builder to build your home and a craftsman to build a treasured heirloom.
Money has a way of expanding options, which is why so many people would like a little more of the stuff.
When asked what you would do if money weren't an object is to invite you to dream a little bit about what may seem impossible in the present, but it does little to actually get you to the end result - the acquisition of a product or the fulfillment of that dream.
Money is the medium of possibility.
This form of exchange is moldable so that the one possessing the money has the greatest flexibility in ultimate use.
They can choose to save the money for larger purchases, set some money aside for educational pursuits or they can use it to pay off existing debt.
Individuals who want the best possibility in achieving real dreams and not the stuff of fantasy simmer moneymaking ideas on the hotplate of thought.
There can come a point where money is an all-consuming passion, but money has always been the primary exchange when ownership of something is transferred to another.
This could the transfer of a product, a service or even knowledge.
You should not feel badly about pursuing a dream that involves the acquisition of wealth.
It is money that is used to make lives better.
It is simply a tool.
You can use that money to improve your own life of the lives of those around you.
Moneymaking ideas are often considered because they hold the promise of a better life.
Sure, we say it holds the promise of money, but the truth is those most interested are ultimately concerned with how their lives could improve from the successful launch of one of these ideas.
Money is an object and there is a reason why so many are in pursuit of it.
That reason does not have to be greed, but it does center on making the lives each of us are given a bit better.
It can also serve as a means of extending our success to others who are also looking for an existence that is better than what they may currently be experiencing.
This can come in the form of job creation or knowledge enhancement.
Our goals and aspirations are improved with positive cash flow.
It is for that reason moneymaking ideas will continue to be at the forefront of a society built on the pursuit of capitalism.