We cannot dispute the fact that we must save money.
However, Most people just put their money in a savings account that earns them just a little interest.
Your money must work hard for you if you want to become financially sound.
Saving is important Although I personally consider saving money as critical as the first step towards getting rich it is not enough in itself to gain financial freedom.
You owe it to yourself, family and God to investigate if just saving hard cash is doing you good.
If not, you should come up with a solution to grow your money.
Honestly, money sitting in a savings account earning little or no interest for long is not serving you.
It is not different than money stacked under the pillow.
You will take forever to become financially free if all you do is saving your money.
Being tight fisted You'll never enjoy your money if you hoard it.
There have been sad stories of the people living in abject poverty because they are afraid of spending their money on themselves to better their life conditions.
Some people live in shabby houses, buy low quality clothes, eat food not having enough nutrients.
They are tight fisted people who do not understand the concept of saving money.
If you focus too much on saving money it will slip through your fingers.
Rather buy yourself the nice things with your money.
Allowing money to flow The money is good only if it benefits you, people in your life and the world around you.
If you hide it in a safe and being afraid to let it flow from you to the others you'll loose it.
I am not saying you should squander your money.
What I mean is that you should let it flow from you to do its work, and it will return to you hundred fold.
Bear in mind that whoever is afraid of using his or her money he or she will eventually become bankrupt.
Great loss in a person's life is the manifestation of what he or she fears.
Do you want your life to be controlled by fear of loss? I don't think so.
Conclusion I hope that you realize that saving money alone will not make you rich.
You should do more with your money than just saving it.
Money is only good if it does something that benefits you and the world.
You see, if you do not allow it to move you are impoverishing yourself unnecessarily.
However, Most people just put their money in a savings account that earns them just a little interest.
Your money must work hard for you if you want to become financially sound.
Saving is important Although I personally consider saving money as critical as the first step towards getting rich it is not enough in itself to gain financial freedom.
You owe it to yourself, family and God to investigate if just saving hard cash is doing you good.
If not, you should come up with a solution to grow your money.
Honestly, money sitting in a savings account earning little or no interest for long is not serving you.
It is not different than money stacked under the pillow.
You will take forever to become financially free if all you do is saving your money.
Being tight fisted You'll never enjoy your money if you hoard it.
There have been sad stories of the people living in abject poverty because they are afraid of spending their money on themselves to better their life conditions.
Some people live in shabby houses, buy low quality clothes, eat food not having enough nutrients.
They are tight fisted people who do not understand the concept of saving money.
If you focus too much on saving money it will slip through your fingers.
Rather buy yourself the nice things with your money.
Allowing money to flow The money is good only if it benefits you, people in your life and the world around you.
If you hide it in a safe and being afraid to let it flow from you to the others you'll loose it.
I am not saying you should squander your money.
What I mean is that you should let it flow from you to do its work, and it will return to you hundred fold.
Bear in mind that whoever is afraid of using his or her money he or she will eventually become bankrupt.
Great loss in a person's life is the manifestation of what he or she fears.
Do you want your life to be controlled by fear of loss? I don't think so.
Conclusion I hope that you realize that saving money alone will not make you rich.
You should do more with your money than just saving it.
Money is only good if it does something that benefits you and the world.
You see, if you do not allow it to move you are impoverishing yourself unnecessarily.