Business & Finance Wealth Building

What Does Your Financial Behavior Look Like?

"Anyone costs and the cost is what makes him work.
" Marcus Aurelius.
Believe it or not, unconsciously, people behave like some animals.
Each of our behaviors with money can be characterized by any animal equivalent.
So what is our chance to earn a lot of money over time? Researchers from Harvard have analyzed data regarding how people allow time for receipt of money.
All respondents were classified into four groups, according to their approach.
Each group of people is characterized by a uniform time-to-cash habit and identified with a particular animal.
It is a global rating.
The first group is called the "Moles".
The moles are blind animals, which do not see anything beyond their noses.
They are forced to live underground and feed along the way.
If the Mole pulls itself to the surface, it immediately starts to dig in the earth to return back.
However, these animals may fight for themselves quite well, but the damage they do is significant.
The figure of capital they stock is zero.
The motto of the life of the mole is: to push the time, to drink, get some sleep and to eat.
They have no long-term goals; least of all, financial goals.
This group consists of alcoholics, drug addicts, game addicts and others addictive people, as well as most retirees and all fighters for the idea of justice.
Most of the people who live in prison or those who have an inconstant way of life, are attributed to this group too.
All the finances these people have are casual earnings or social benefits, which are only enough for them not to die of hunger.
The separation features of this group are complete incompetence in managing finances and complete financial ignorance.
Moles are about 27% of the total human population in the World.
The second group is called the "Chickens".
The expression "chicken brain" has been widely used among the many nations of the world.
The stock of the capital that chickens have represents about 5% of the all money in the world.
The motto of the life of the chicken is to think less, find work with few commitments and responsibilities, retire as soon as possible and finally start living.
Chickens always carry someone else's will.
Also, they cannot give an answer to the question, "Why do you work?".
Their financial aim is to pay the bills.
They are "system employees" doing only what they are told.
They work hard, but they are afraid of having some long-term goals.
They live according to other people's thoughts and concerns expressed by well-known phrases, and they measure their lives by the question, "What will other people say? " All the incomes such a group of people have is a salary for a specific time spent at work and small bonuses for the "good work", if they have worked under the scheme.
Attention! The group of people called "chickens" consists of about 60% of the Earth's population.
Thus, 27% of the "moles", plus 60% of the "chickens" - it's almost 87% of all the people on the Earth! And all of them have only 5% of the accumulated capital of the world.
The third group of people is called the "Monkeys".
This group includes those people who reach the same "peak".
But what is the reason that they are called "Monkeys"? Monkeys are different - it can be lemurs and macaques and even those who are called anthropoids.
It seems like everything about monkeys is well-managed: their strength, their mind, which is fairly quick to learn new things, but something is missing...
They just quickly and professionally copy others.
All the monkeys have raised about 15% of all the capital in the world.
Their life motto: "Be the first.
" They are detailed and speak loudly about their financial, career and other goals.
They quite accurately carry out their chosen strategy, overcoming all their circumstances, as well as themselves.
The "Monkey" group includes pop stars, politicians, hired managers and all those who reach great heights with hard work.
These people succeed with pre-planned action, which is realized with many years and hard work.
The "Monkey" group comprises about 10% of all the people world-wide.
These people earn incomes from fees and interest which are generated from enterprises that they are managing.
Usually they earn big (but not huge) money.
Thus, 97 percent of the people in the World have accumulated 20% of the capital.
Where is the remaining 80%? The remaining 3% of the all people in the world own as much as 80% of global capital.
Harvard scientists have called them "Cats".
They are rated at the top.
These people or "Cats" do what they like and do what they think is best.
Therefore, they not only earn good money, they earn a lot of money! They are called "gray cardinals".
They do not like to be noticed and do not like to "stand out", although the history of the world somewhat depends on them all.
These people live for themselves only and do not even try to prove anything to anybody.
The motto of their life is: "The rules are thought up for fools!" The stock of capital that "cats" have is about 80% of global capital.
Their goal in life is to create their own "rules of the game" and continue to live according these rules for as long as they want to; not in the way that someone says that they should.
Their financial objective: to get money working for them and the things they love and to get more money! If they can get someone else to do it for them, then that's even better.
"What an injustice! Exploiters!", moles and chickens may shout "How do they do it?", monkeys will think as they turn their heads and watch.
Only the "normal people" forget that the most difficult work is to be yourself, under any circumstances.
In addition, all of your efforts will eventually be rewarded.
In some cases they will be rewarded several times over and above.
Cats know everything they are doing will be copied, reproduced or prejudiced at some time...
but they are still doing it! These people have an astonishing willingness to manifest all of their unrealized ideas.
Everything that is considered to be a madness, inexpediency and uselessness by normal people, will be well used and successfully implemented by Cats, thanks to their non-standard thinking and ingenuity.
Take this example: An unemployed secretary who did not look for a job, but created a novel about a boy-wizard instead.
This was the "Cat" really, which has been "walking herself".
That particular "Cat" is Joan Rowling; the first writer in the world whose fees have exceeded a billion dollars! All of this was done in our times, when any of the books can be downloaded in one file! And she simply didn't care about that.
How much would she have earned in a "normal job"? It would only be enough to pay the bills.
Each "Cat" has a distinctively bright personality.
Globally, there is no other Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steven Jobs, or other perhaps less known representatives of the "Cats" group.
These people have holiday permanently, because of their favorite activities and exercises.
They are hated by the poor ("Moles" and "Chickens") and they are copied by the "Monkeys", but they continue to live, not paying any attention to anything.
They are not listening to anyone else.
They just believe in themselves and listen to their inner voice.
It is this voice that allows them to appear, in due course, in the right place.
These people's finance: They get passive income generated by the assets they have created.
Less than 3% of the world's population belongs to the "cats" group, but they own 97% of all the capital on the Earth.
So, what is the point of this story? Firstly, if you want to earn a lot of money, you need to constantly look for the best in your market niche and copy, simulate, optimize and improve it.
Secondly, if you want to earn a lot of money, you have to reject all the standards, that others associate with so called "big success" and finally engage in activity that you are really enjoying.
Or, you may engage in a few activities, if you have any.
And if you're up to complaining about "the injustice of life", remember one of the most famous Harvard University graduate's proverb: "There is no time to earn money for those who spend all the day trapped at work" John D.
By the way, the Rockefeller's family has owned assets, which are valued at nearly 1.
5 billion dollars.
(The data was taken in 2006).
This amount is probably much bigger this year, in spite of any crisis.
You may say: "There is no justice in life!" In fact, there is!
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