Business & Finance Wealth Building

6G Welding: Skip Welding School And Make $100,000? (And What Does A ZX2 Have To Do With It?)

Massive theft of time and money is regularly taking place in welding schoolsacross the USA.
Why? Is no one is watching the store? Or is the entire welding industry in on the heist? Who is the time and money being stolen from? Welding students - if you are a welding student or you are thinking about becoming one please read this.
Stick with me through the following story - I am making several points.
You may be familiar with the Ford Escort series of cars which were made for decades and were replaced by the Focus line years ago.
One Ford Escort in particular (the ZX2) was / is popular among (mostly young) drivers because to buy one used cost very little and the stock performance is good.
If performance parts are added the car can be wicked fast - and it is a decent looking car too.
My son was driving 5 hours each way to spend the week at welding school.
We needed cheap transportation.
We found a ZX2 with a 5 speed for $800.
The car ran great and got him through school - and then the timing belt broke.
We found another car and I put the broken car on Craig's List for $500 because to have the belt replaced would cost $600.
A guy came out to look at the car.
He knew that ZX2 like the back of his hand.
He had a tool box.
He opened it up, showed me a new timing belt and said, "I'll buy it now if you'll allow me to change the belt here.
" I said I really didn't want the mess on the concrete (the car was sitting on the dirt behind my shop).
He said, "I'll do it right where it is.
" 90 minutes later and without a jack, he drove away.
Not only did he do it in 90 minutes, he did it while I interviewed him about how he was going to do it because I knew it was a $600 repair and the belt itself was only $40! He told me he had just developed a short cut method to replacing the belt (as I would see) that didn't compromise the quality of the repair.
He was right.
He told me that he could teach a non-mechanic to do the repair.
All anyone had to know was the moves he was making and the exact tools to use - even if they never knew how a motor worked, they could do the repair right - each and every time.
What are the SECRETS in this story? It takes a long time to become a good mechanic - YET - a person who is not a mechanic at all can discover the secrets to a short cut and learn how to do a 5 hour repair which normally cost $600, in just 90 minutes for the $40 cost of the part.
In other words, because this kid who purchased the car thought "outside the box" and discovered a legitimate short cut, he was able to turn a $500 car into a $1,100 car in 90 minutes (the amount he sold the car for 3 days later).
This kid made about $200 an hour because he knew ONE specific money skill and he knew it well.
So, why is your welding instructor stealing from you? If you or anyone you know is going to welding school to be a structural welder, you are being robbed.
Chances are, you will get out of school and (after a long job search) find a job at $10 to $15 an hour.
THAT is THEFT! You can find a job as a janitor with no or very little training at those wages! The same is true of becoming a mechanic.
You can spend the time to become a basic auto mechanic and you can look forward to the same lousy wages.
However, if you learn the short cuts to replacing the timing belt on Ford Escorts and Focus cars, you'll make a lot more money.
What is my point? 6G Pipe welding is the like the timing belt short cut skill.
You can teach yourself 6G pipe welding at home at your own pace (which will be much faster than if you learn it in school because you won't be bothered by any of the fluff (like a lot of reading and learning minor skills you'll never use).
Step # 1: Find some scrap pipe at a used steel yard.
Every major city has these yards.
You are looking for new (old stock) pipe.
It may have surface rust.
Don't buy truly used pipe because it will be too far gone to clean up.
Step # 2: Get a good welding book.
Read the safety section.
Practice good welding safety.
Read about how to set up a 6G practice joint.
Step # 3: Get a good used "buzz box" electric stick welder - it must be AC / DC because pipe is welded with DC.
Build a simple pipe welding stand and start practicing.
Is it that simple? No.
Is it a lot harder than that? No.
Is that hard to believe? Yes.
Is it a lot harder to believe than the kid who showed up at my house and used logical Secrets Tips and Ethical Tricks (short cuts) to do a $600 repair to a ZX2 in 90 minutes, in the dirt and without a jack? No.
Can you skip 90% of welding school and end up making $100,000 a year or more because you took the time to read this article? Yes.
What is the bottom line? The USA must go through another deep recession.
The DOW will probably sink to 5,000 by 2016 or 2017 - and natural gas and oil prices may decline.
However, the natural gas and oil industry will continue to create jobs because this nation will convert to heavy natural gas usage in the next 10 years.
Pipe welding jobs will be easy to get, even during the next recession.
What should you do next?
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