Business & Finance Wealth Building

Money Is A Multiplier Of Personality

I've known people who never give to charity. They tell me that when they get rich they will give. The truth is that money tends to multiple your personality. If you a stingy person when you are broke you will be much stingier when you are rich.

Having money doesn't suddenly create better qualities in you. If you want better qualities then you need to create them now. All money will do is give you the freedom for your personality to express itself more strongly than before you had money.

If you feel insecure and you worry about losing what you have then if you become rich you will be ten times more insecure because you have a lot more to lose and you are a more tempting target for those who want what you have. I know people who have lots of money but make out that they are broke because they are so insecure within their own mind.

On the other hand if you are self confident and self assured then when you become wealthy you will be even more self confident and self assured. The qualities didn't come from the money, but having the money increased the expression of those qualities.

People who are unhappy and really don't enjoy life will be ten times as miserable if they become rich. The commonly held idea that money will solve all your problems just isn't based on the facts. Many people whine and complain about their lives and say that if only they had money things would be better. Their problem is not that they are broke. Their problem is that they are whiners and complainers.

Happiness comes from within. If you are a happy person and then you become rich, you will be even happier because that happiness that you have inside will allow you to fully appreciate the benefits of being wealthy.

Now comes the hard part!

Have a good, hard, honest look at yourself and your personality and ask yourself what your life would be like if you multiplied each of your personality traits by ten or by one hundred.

Go to the mirror and have a good look at your typical facial expression and see what it is revealing about your personality. If you are over forty then this is even easier because the expressions that you habitually hold progressively reshape your face and as you get older that restructuring is there all the time for all the world to see.

If you multiplied your habitual facial expression by ten or one hundred then what do you think your life would be like? Would it be the face of a well adjusted, happy person who is enjoying life and all it has to offer, or would it be the face of someone who is carrying the world on their shoulders?

Setting a goal to become rich is a worthwhile endeavor but how it will change your life for the better or the worse is totally dependent on the personality that you have developed. So while you are pursuing your goal for wealth make sure that you are also pursuing a goal to become a better, happier, person who really enjoys this magnificent opportunity called life.
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