- 1). Log into your Blogger account. While on the Dashboard page, click the blue "New Post" button under your blog's name. If you want to format an existing post instead, click "Edit Posts" and click "Edit" next to the post you want to modify. Either action takes you to the Blogger post editor in "Compose" mode.
- 2). Enter the title of your blog post in the "Title" field.
- 3). Begin typing in the main post area below the toolbar.
- 1). Click the "F" button on the toolbar and select a font face. Type in the post body after selecting a font, so the text will appear in the chosen font. You can also do it the other way around: select existing text first and then pick a font to apply to it. If you do not want to specify a font, do not use this option.
- 2). Click the double "T" button to choose a font size ranging from "Smallest" to "Largest." You can select the text first and then apply the font size or set the font size and then enter the text.
- 3). Select text and then click the "B," "I," "U" or the crossed-out "ABC" buttons to apply bold, italic underlined or strikethrough styling to the text.
- 4). Click the "A" button to choose a font color other than the default. Click the highlight button next to it to set a text highlight color. Make sure the highlight and font colors have contrast.
- 1). Type some text that you want to insert a hyperlink in. Click and drag the mouse over the text to select it and click the "Link" button. When the "Link" dialog box appears, click either "Web address" or "Email address" and then enter the URL. Click "OK."
- 2). Click the picture frame button to insert a picture. When inserting a picture, you can add one from your blog, from Picasa Web Albums, from an external URL or from your computer.
- 3). Click the video button next to the picture icon to embed a video. For videos, you can upload a video or link from YouTube.
- 1). Select the text you want to format. Click the paragraph icon with an arrow on it and select a paragraph alignment. You can choose left, right, center or justified. When you enter new text, Blogger will apply the active paragraph alignment.
- 2). Click the numbered list icon to create an ordered, numbered list. Click the bulleted list icon instead to create an unordered list.
- 3). Click the "T" icon with an "x" mark to remove text formatting.
- 4). Click the "ABC" button with a green check mark to review spelling before you publish the post.
Text Formatting
Links and Media
Paragraph Formatting