In today's market your options are very grand. You can choose weaponry such as pepper sprays, stun guns, TASER and personal alarms. They are all good but which one will fit the bill? Most people do choose stun guns as their favorite choice in a self defense device. These devices are not only dependable; they are very affordable and will get the job done.

Stun guns will send off an electrical current to your would-be attacker. At the time of stunning and contact with the stun gun prongs, this current travels through the body and temporarily prevents muscle movement, thus rendering your attacker helpless. This will allow you to leave the scene and get yourself to safety, possibly calling the police as they may be able to apprehend him or her.

The choices are endless today. When you do decide to purchase a stun gun make sure you think about your own needs. This is a personal decision and you shouldn't let anyone persuade you into buying something you may not feel comfortable carrying.

Get used to having your weapon with you at all times. You should learn it, practice with it and even stun someone if they will let you! Make sure you check the batteries periodically to ensure they are in good working order and your gun has enough power. If you choose stun guns that have a portable charger, make sure you charge it. Consider it like a cell phone. No one leaves the house these days without their phone! Don't leave without your stun gun either. Keep them in the same place so when you are ready to leave you can grab onto both.
As with all self defense weapons, no matter which you choose to purchase or something you carry from your home, remember if you don't carry it, it won't help you.