Health & Medical Lose Weight

Burn Fat - Metabolism Manipulations

Burn Fat -- The Best Way The absolute best way, in terms of long term health and effectiveness, is eating less and moving more.
If you are eating less and moving more and still not losing weight, guess what? You need to eat even less and move even more.
There are limits of course.
You shouldn't eat less than 1200 calories a day or exercise intensely for more than about an hour per day.
If you are obese, you can unbalance your metabolism for a long time before you are in danger of getting too skinny.
If you only have a few pounds to lose until your body is "perfect," your body will do all it can to prevent being unbalanced.
That is why those last five pounds are so hard to lose.
Usually when you decide you want to lose weight, the first thing you think of is eating less.
You are on the right track.
That will surely unbalance your metabolism.
But, you can only unbalance your metabolism for so long with diet alone before your brilliant body tries to bring everything back into balance by getting rid of expendable, calorie burning tissue--your muscles.
Each pound of muscle burns about 50 calories a day.
If your body gets rid of 2 pounds of muscle your daily metabolism goes down by 100 calories.
A Yo-yo and a Roller Coaster Did you get that? Dieting without exercise actually lowers your metabolism.
That is why it is so darned easy to gain all that weight back when you go off your diet.
Have you ever experienced this scenario? After you gain the weight back, you're frustrated and not happy with how you look so you go on the diet again because, hey, it worked the last time.
You go on the diet, lose weight, lower your metabolism, go off the diet, gain the weight back plus a little extra.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you yo-yo dieting.
If you want to lose weight without lowering your metabolism and riding the weight loss/weight gain roller coaster, you must move.
Exercising tells your body that muscle is important and to keep the muscle and burn fat.
You have got to move, and the good news is it doesn't take a lot.
Walking for just 30 minutes a day, you cause your body to maintain your muscle and burn a few calories.
If you walked at a good clip (about 3.
5 miles per hour) you would burn at least 100 calories a day.
That may not seem like a lot, but over a year that is 36500 calories, or 10 pounds of fat.
Not bad for 30 minutes a day! More Ways to Burn Fat Here are some other things you can do to tell your body to keep your muscle and lose the fat: o Go for a walk during your lunch break o Walk your dog o Take yourfamily for a stroll o Mow the lawn with a push mower o Dig up your lawn and plant a garden o Run or walk fast when doing errands o Pace the sidelines at your kids' athletic games o Make time in your day for physical activity o Take a walk break instead of a coffee break o Perform gardening and/or home repair activities more vigorously o Play with your kids 30 minutes a day o Dance to your favorite music o Take the stairs instead of the escalator/elevator o Go for a hike Take away Tips: If you want to lose weight, you need to unbalance your metabolism in favor of catabolism.
The best way to do that is to eat less and move more.
Focus on eating for wellness , moving for strength and you will be successful.
Enjoy the journey!
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