A decent comment on a blog would most likely be one which used common decency right? One that showed at least some respect for the author I would suppose.
However, if it showed disrespect then it did not contain common decency, does that make sense? If a comment poster posted a disrespectful comment then should they expect to be heard? Should they expect to have the blogger allow the comment? Now, I know for a fact that most of us do allow such detracting comments and personal attacks, but why? If we do this we only encourage bad behavior by persnickety commenters.
Worse, what if you have a blog post that you worked hard on and someone comes along and puts up a graffiti type comment? What's that, graffiti comment? Well, it's when a comment has no substance whatsoever or perhaps makes a sexually oriented joke out of your post.
This ruins your blog post and destroys your well-thought out message and who has the commenter served besides themselves and their sick sense of humor? Do they find this amusing, so self-absorbed that they feel it their right to trash an open dialogue or discussion? And what happens if you post a serious issue and a commenter attacks you, the blogger, rather than discussing the issue? Here is a thought; "Dumb people talk about people, smart people discuss events and brilliant people talk about comments.
" Ever heard that quote, well next time you make a comment on a blog consider the source of the comment.
And while you are thinking of that, I'd like to tell you that I have revoked your comment privileges on this blog post due to abusive comments.
So if you are trolling the Blogs to write comments that are irrelevant, harassment or persnickety sexual innuendos then you can find another place to amuse yourself.
However, if it showed disrespect then it did not contain common decency, does that make sense? If a comment poster posted a disrespectful comment then should they expect to be heard? Should they expect to have the blogger allow the comment? Now, I know for a fact that most of us do allow such detracting comments and personal attacks, but why? If we do this we only encourage bad behavior by persnickety commenters.
Worse, what if you have a blog post that you worked hard on and someone comes along and puts up a graffiti type comment? What's that, graffiti comment? Well, it's when a comment has no substance whatsoever or perhaps makes a sexually oriented joke out of your post.
This ruins your blog post and destroys your well-thought out message and who has the commenter served besides themselves and their sick sense of humor? Do they find this amusing, so self-absorbed that they feel it their right to trash an open dialogue or discussion? And what happens if you post a serious issue and a commenter attacks you, the blogger, rather than discussing the issue? Here is a thought; "Dumb people talk about people, smart people discuss events and brilliant people talk about comments.
" Ever heard that quote, well next time you make a comment on a blog consider the source of the comment.
And while you are thinking of that, I'd like to tell you that I have revoked your comment privileges on this blog post due to abusive comments.
So if you are trolling the Blogs to write comments that are irrelevant, harassment or persnickety sexual innuendos then you can find another place to amuse yourself.