- Tarot cards contain vivid, graphical art that includes the use of symbols, numbers and interpretable images. As a metaphysical tool, individuals attempt to interpret the images from the cards to gain insight on problems or situations. The process of interpreting a group of cards is known as reading the cards and involves laying cards on a table in a specific pattern, and interpreting each card based on its image and position on the table.
- A traditional Ouija board is built with a flat surface with every letter, number and a few significant words printed on the surface. Participants use the board by placing their hands together on a planchette, a small device with a hole through which you can see letters as your hands move over them. Participants are instructed not to push or pull the planchette, as it is intended to make its own movement. In a séance, participants attempt to use the Ouija board to contact spirits, intent on communicating with people who they lost or can answer their questions.
- Astrology is the study of planetary location and geometric patterns in the sky. Astrology is founded on the idea that when a child is born, the cosmic pattern of stars and planets leaves a mark on the child, affecting his or her development. By knowing your date of birth, astrology suggests that you can track these marks to learn more about yourself, understand how life will affect you and help you make decisions. Additionally, astrology suggests that you can use the technique to determine with whom you will most easily get along.
- Numerology is the technique of establishing numerical connections between different ideas through a process that involves ascribing numerical values to letters. Once words, names and ideas are translated into numbers, you can look at those words for their numerical significance or use them to gain insight into your future. Numerology has been adopted by some religions as a method for scripture interpretation.
Tarot Cards
Ouija Board