Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Arthritis Natural Treatment That Help Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Natural treatment refers to simple ways of treating disease without any complex allopathic pills that can only accelerate the amount of toxicity in the body. The great realm of natural cure includes steps like breathing in plenty of fresh air, dietary changes, curative physical exercises, mental healing and herbal remedies.

Here are some of the natural treatments for arthritis

1. Flax seed oil is an effective natural cure for arthritis. The omega3 fat content in the oil helps in curing the primary symptoms of arthritis. It advisable to take flax seeds in salads and also one teaspoon of the flaxseed oil directly every day.

2. Magnesium is essential for proper growth of bones and for maintaining proper PH level. Deficiency of magnesium makes the body incapable of absorbing and using calcium and phosphorus, the two principle bone building minerals. Epsom salt has a high content of magnesium, and thus can treat well arthritic conditions. Epsom salt may be taken by mixing 3 tablespoon in fresh lemon juice. It may also be mixed in to warm bath water. This treatment will give relief from pain.

3. Cinnamon powder may be taken every morning, mixed with honey. This will relieve excruciating pain.

4. Cod liver oil, rich in omega 3 acids, can slow down the degenerative process in cartilages. One to two teaspoon of cod liver oil should be taken every day for beneficial results. This treatment is very effective for treating osteoarthritis.

5. The common kitchen spice, ginger, is highly effective in reducing joint pain and inflammation. Two to three slices of fresh, peeled ginger should be taken every day.

6. Turmeric, another common kitchen spice also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is advisable to take a glass of warm water mixed with two teaspoon turmeric powder every morning.

7. The afflicted joints are required to be kept mobile through gentle exercises. Exercises may be done after dipping the ailing joint in tub filled with warm water for at least half an hour. This treatment will be quite effective for eliminating stiffness from joints.

8. A poultice may be made out of 2 tablespoon mullein, few granules of slippery elm bark, one teaspoon cayenne, and warm water for making a paste. The paste may be applied on the affected area to get relief from swollen and painful joints.

9. The patient should follow mind relaxing techniques, and keep away from emotional stress.

10. Raw vegetable juices like that of carrot, beet, spinach, lettuce, other green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits should be included in diet. Sugar, flour, refined food items, junk food are to be shunned.

Read information about Natural Treatment for Arthritis. Also know the benefits of Arthritis Pain Relief Massage Oil. Find effective Herbal Treatment for Low Back Pain.
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