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Troy Fundraising: Sell Gold And Silver Jewelry For Cash

If you are looking for a great party to host that will not only allow you and your friends and family to spend some time together but to also make a great cash profit, consider hosting a gold jewelry buyers party. You will find that there is a representative from the Troy gold and jewelry buyers organization that is going to come to your home at your convenience to quote you and your guests a price on all of their unwanted jewelry items.
Whether you and your family and friends have unwanted jewelry that is broken, old or you just don't want it anymore, you'll be able to get a great price on the items that you don't want. You may have items that you have held on to for years that aren't sentimental and that you know aren't going to come back in style, those will be the perfect jewelry items to sell for cash.
You can use your cash for whatever you want. You may want to take a mini vacation, do a little shopping or buy some new jewelry with the money that you may trading your old items for cash. You may choose to save your money until you really need it. You may choose to donate the cash that you make from you unwanted jewelry items to your favorite charity or you may choose to use your gold and silver party as a fundraiser.
This is the perfect way to help raise money for your child's school, someone in your hometown that is ill and needs a helping hand, your church or you kids sporting events.
You'll be able to raise so much money and doing so is going to be so much easier than having to sell a million candy bars or wash a million cars. This is going to be the easiest fund raiser that you have ever participated in. This may very well become the new fund raising technique that everyone chooses to participate in to raise the money that they need.
Send out invitations to everyone that is associated with your group including friends and family. Tell everyone to bring those unwanted jewelry items that they've been hanging on too for too long so that they can be exchanged for cash. The more invitations that you send out, the more money that you will be able to raise.
Once you and your guests see how easy fundraising is just by getting rid of gold and silver items that no one wants, you'll never want to go back to the old way that you used to raise money. There's no hard work, no going door to door, no getting up early or working late to make a little money for your group.
You are also going to love the great amount of profit that you earn with a Troy gold and silver jewelry buyers party. You'll make so much more money is so much less time. Everyone is going to benefit from the ease of a fundraiser like this.
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