- 1). Download Spyware Doctor or a similar anti-spyware removal program that will automatically detect and remove CoolWebSearch and other spyware or malware viruses that may be infecting your system. Reliable links can be found at the bottom of this article in the Resources Section.
- 2). If anti-spyware software does not work for whatever reason, you will have to manually remove the "CoolWebSearch" files that are corrupting your system. Before starting this process, it is important to back up your system in case you accidentally delete something you shouldn't.
- 3). To completely remove the "CoolWebSearch" virus, you will have to end a few processes, unregister "CoolWebSearch" DLL files, find and remove "CoolWebSearch" files from your system's registry and detect and delete "CoolWebSearch" files.
The processes to end are as follows:
The .DLL files to unregister are as follows:
The Registry Values to be Removed are as Follows:
And finally, the "CoolWebSearch" files must be detected and deleted:
DNLDC.ocx - 4). To stop "CoolWebSearch" processes, select "Run." In the command box, type taskmgr.exe and click "OK". Task Manager can also be opened by hitting CTRL + ALT + DELETE simultaneously. Once the Task Manager is opened, locate the above mentioned processes. Select each process and click "End."
- 5). To delete the .DLL files mentioned above, select "Run" from the Windows Start menu. Type cmd in the command box and click "OK." When the prompt opens type cd, hit your space bar, and enter the full directory listed above where the "CoolWebSearch" DLL file is located. When you've located the file you want to remove type the following "regsvr31 /u (then the full name of the DLL file listed above).
- 6). To remove the registry keys mentioned above, select "Run" from the Windows Start menu. When the command box opens, type regedit and click "OK" to open up your system's Registry Editor. This should open two windows. The window on the left side will let you select the registry keys you desire while the window on the right displays the value of the key you have selected. To find the keys listed above, click on the "Edit" tab and then click "Find." Type the desired registry key and when it appears, delete it by right-clicking it, selecting "Modify" and then clicking "Delete."
- 7). Once you've done all of this, the virus should be deleted from your system. If the virus changed your homepage, change it back to your desired page by opening the Control Panel from the "Start" menu. Open Internet Options, select the General Tab and click Use Default. Type Your desired web page in the box and select Apply.
Removing the CoolWebSearch virus