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Fence Installation Check List


    • Before you install a fence, have an idea of where the fence will go. Draw the boundaries of your property or yard on a piece of paper and then add the path the fence will take. Mark where you will place the terminal posts and where you will put your gate. After you have a plan, walk the path the fence will take to make sure you are staying on your property, and make note of any obstacles in the way of the fence.


    • Call "811" and schedule someone to come out to your property to mark the underground utility lines. It will normally be a few days between when you call and when someone comes out, so plan ahead. Remove any obstacles in the path of the fence, including plants that may wind up too close to the fence. Inquire with your city to see if there are any ordinances regarding fence height, distance from sidewalks or roads, or restrictions on types of fences.


    • You will need fencing pieces and tools to assemble the fence. Most fencing comes in kits that provide you with posts and fencing material, along with most of the hardware to complete the job. If you are building your fence from scratch, you will need plenty of wood, screws and fasteners. Most fence installations require a post-hole digger, shovel, pre-mixed concrete, drill, level, tape measure and string.

    Post Installation

    • The most important part of your fence installation is installing the fence posts, because after these are in the ground, it will be very difficult to relocate them. Install the posts first by digging a hole that is twice as wide as the post and with a depth equal to half the expected height of the fence. Make the holes wider at the bottom than the top, so frost doesn't pop the posts out. If you are installing a panel fence, you must measure the distance between these posts exactly, as it is difficult or impossible to resize fence panels. Set the posts in concrete and let them dry for a day.

    Fence Installation

    • The method you use to attach the fence material to the fence posts will depend on the type of fence you are putting up. Most fence materials will be screwed into or inserted into the posts, although chain link is attached using bands.

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