Nowadays we can't imagine our life without cosmetics. But nobody thinks that the history of cosmetics is as long as the history of mankind! Thus at different times various significance was attached to cosmetics. The cosmetics could be used both in religious and in the decorative purposes; both men and women could put it. Or, on the contrary, it could be forbidden.
The word "cosmetics" is Greek. As well as the word "space", it means "order" in translation – an order in the Universe and an order on a face. In Ancient Greece, there were cosmets – slaves, whose duties included bathing of the Greek citizens in special bathtubs with fragrant oils. Also they were engaged in massage. The word "cosmetics" as designation of means for makeup applying was used at the International exhibition in Paris in 1867 for the first time. This year soap makers and perfumers started representing the production separately from production of druggists and now you can buy cosmetics in any makeup store online.

The cosmetics was used in Ancient Egypt and the countries of Mesopotamia. So, in Mesopotamia lipstick was known 5000 years ago. Ancient Egyptians painted lips as well. In Ancient Egypt a special mix was used as lipstick. This mix was based on animal fat with addition of beeswax and a red pigment or red clay. Lipstick in Ancient Egypt most often had dark shades. Except lipstick, Egyptians also used eye shadow, an eyeliner, painted nails and hair. Eye shadow in Ancient Egypt was used by both men and women, thus without the purpose to decorate themselves. In those days, it was considered that the eyeliner protected eyes from penetration through them into soul of the person of evil ghosts. For an eyeliner Egyptians used paints from antimony (kohl – it is still used as an eyeliner in the Muslim countries, it is a black stone, crushed in powder and divorced usually with castor oil) and soot.

Eyelids were painted with grated malachite, mix of green copper and lead sulphide, ore. By the way, lead also frightened off insects. Blush in Ancient Egypt was made of raw materials of plants and bushes. On their heads, Egyptians carried oil fragrant cones what already was connected with practical needs - they protected from numerous insects of hot climate of Ancient Egypt. Egyptians painted nails with henna – the information about that remained in mentions of the most famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra. By the way, Cleopatra loved cosmetics very much and even wrote the whole treatise about cosmetics under the name "Drugs for Skin". The first written data on cosmetics are also connected with Ancient Egypt - Ebert's papyrus – the first written document which contains advice for use of cosmetics.

To be continued...
The word "cosmetics" is Greek. As well as the word "space", it means "order" in translation – an order in the Universe and an order on a face. In Ancient Greece, there were cosmets – slaves, whose duties included bathing of the Greek citizens in special bathtubs with fragrant oils. Also they were engaged in massage. The word "cosmetics" as designation of means for makeup applying was used at the International exhibition in Paris in 1867 for the first time. This year soap makers and perfumers started representing the production separately from production of druggists and now you can buy cosmetics in any makeup store online.

Cosmetics in Ancient Egypt
The cosmetics was used in Ancient Egypt and the countries of Mesopotamia. So, in Mesopotamia lipstick was known 5000 years ago. Ancient Egyptians painted lips as well. In Ancient Egypt a special mix was used as lipstick. This mix was based on animal fat with addition of beeswax and a red pigment or red clay. Lipstick in Ancient Egypt most often had dark shades. Except lipstick, Egyptians also used eye shadow, an eyeliner, painted nails and hair. Eye shadow in Ancient Egypt was used by both men and women, thus without the purpose to decorate themselves. In those days, it was considered that the eyeliner protected eyes from penetration through them into soul of the person of evil ghosts. For an eyeliner Egyptians used paints from antimony (kohl – it is still used as an eyeliner in the Muslim countries, it is a black stone, crushed in powder and divorced usually with castor oil) and soot.

Eyelids were painted with grated malachite, mix of green copper and lead sulphide, ore. By the way, lead also frightened off insects. Blush in Ancient Egypt was made of raw materials of plants and bushes. On their heads, Egyptians carried oil fragrant cones what already was connected with practical needs - they protected from numerous insects of hot climate of Ancient Egypt. Egyptians painted nails with henna – the information about that remained in mentions of the most famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra. By the way, Cleopatra loved cosmetics very much and even wrote the whole treatise about cosmetics under the name "Drugs for Skin". The first written data on cosmetics are also connected with Ancient Egypt - Ebert's papyrus – the first written document which contains advice for use of cosmetics.

To be continued...