- 1
This is Zoe
The first step is to open the photo of yourself in Photoshop. Hit "Ctrl-J" to create a copy of the photo. In your layers take the eye away. - 2
Use the magnetic lasso tool (circled in yellow) and outline your face and neck. - 3
Go to "Select >Inverse" and then hit delete. Remove the eye (see the yellow circle) next to your original photo so that it is now invisible. You should be left with a plain hairless you. - 1). Make sure all your photographs are the same size as your headshot. Adjust the photo sizes and the pixels so that every image is interchangeable.
- 2
Open your first photograph. Use the magnet tool and trace the hair.Then go to "Select>Inverse" and hit delete. You should be left with just the hair and a transparent background. - 3). Repeat the above process as many times as you have hair styles you would like to try.
- 1). Go back to your original hairless head shot.
- 2
Pull each hairstyle into its own layer. Now you can move back and forth using the eye on the left to see how the styles look. - 3
There you have it, a new you. Should Zoe go blonde? Maybe, maybe not, but the preview sure is fun and takes a bit of the fright out of trying something new, which is always a good thing.
Preparing Your Photo
Preparing the Hairstyle Photos
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