Men and women of Faith have endured since the days of Abraham, the Bible said that he believed God and it was accounted unto him for Righteousness which means he had Faith in God's word.
Faith is another word for belief and it came about through the teaching of Jesus.
Christians of old have laid down their lives for their Faith, they have put their lives in danger to spread the news of Faith and Grace through our Lord Jesus Christ and their effects are not in vain because in this modern day society Faith in Christ remains sound.
America was founded upon Faith.
We are a Nation that's only a little over 200 years old yet we have more men and women of Faith than any other Nation and as a result of that this Nation does more for the Kingdom of God than any other nation.
It is also a blessed Nation because of our belief.
Faith has come a long way in reference to added believers but itself have not changed all that it was when Jesus spoke of it; it is the same today.
We can not add to what He gave because when He gave it, it was complete.
Faith was effective in the days of old and it's still effective in today's modern society.
Today men have developed so much from the time that Jesus walked the Earth, more and more knowledge and technology is being discovered each day or so it seem but it took Faith that it could be done and it is being done by the Grace of God.
Faith is another word for belief and it came about through the teaching of Jesus.
Christians of old have laid down their lives for their Faith, they have put their lives in danger to spread the news of Faith and Grace through our Lord Jesus Christ and their effects are not in vain because in this modern day society Faith in Christ remains sound.
America was founded upon Faith.
We are a Nation that's only a little over 200 years old yet we have more men and women of Faith than any other Nation and as a result of that this Nation does more for the Kingdom of God than any other nation.
It is also a blessed Nation because of our belief.
Faith has come a long way in reference to added believers but itself have not changed all that it was when Jesus spoke of it; it is the same today.
We can not add to what He gave because when He gave it, it was complete.
Faith was effective in the days of old and it's still effective in today's modern society.
Today men have developed so much from the time that Jesus walked the Earth, more and more knowledge and technology is being discovered each day or so it seem but it took Faith that it could be done and it is being done by the Grace of God.