Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

What Causes Infertility? Top Reasons Why Men and Women Have Fertility Problems

Are you and your partner actively engaging in unprotected sex that is unhindered by any birth control aids regularly for at least six months?If yes, then it should be no trouble for you to get pregnant.
But if you have not conceived yet, you may need to face the fact that you or your partner, if not both of you, may be infertile.
To have your own children, you will need to find out what causes infertility in you and find a way to resolve the problem.
Infertility is simply defined as a woman's inability to become pregnant or a man's incapacity to impregnate.
This condition is not exclusive to females alone; reports show that two-thirds of infertility cases concern females while the remaining third involves males.
There are situations where infertility is reversible.
You only need to discover what causes infertility and understand the reasons behind these causes.
What Causes Infertility in Women? When a woman is infertile, the primary causes usually pertain to physical problems with her reproductive system, although hormonal imbalance, drug intake and disease factor in as well.
Medical experts report that the most common cause of infertility in females is pelvic inflammatory disease or PID.
PID happens when the organs located in a woman's pelvis become infected or traumatized by injury.
If left untreated, PID can lead to tissue scarring and blood poisoning.
It also raises the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Aside from infection and injury, a woman can sustain scarring in her abdominal or vaginal tissue through surgical procedures like abortion.
The scarred tissue can block the journey of the egg cell from the fallopian tube to the womb, as well as the passage of the sperm to the womb, thus making fertilization of the egg impossible.
Hormonal imbalances can also make a woman infertile.
These hormonal imbalances can be caused by her thyroid and adrenal glands not functioning properly.
Some hormones produced by the female body are designed to prevent ovulation.
Prolactin, the hormone for stimulating the production of breast milk, is also designed to stop the woman from ovulating.
If her prolactin levels are too high, she cannot get pregnant.
Medication taken for certain medical conditions can also become an impediment to a woman's attempts to get pregnant.
Some types of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and antidepressants pull down the levels of estrogen and luteinizing hormones (LH) in the body.
Without enough estrogen and LH in her body, a woman cannot ovulate.
What Causes Infertility in Men? What causes infertility in men always has something to do with his ability to produce sperm and the quality of the sperm he produces.
If his sperm count is low, then the chances of his sperm cells surviving the trip through the hostile environment of the female reproductive passage to fertilize the egg becomes low as well.
If his problems involve sperm motility, it means the structure of his sperm cells make them too weak to make the journey or swim in the wrong direction.
Why do men get problems regarding the count and quality of their sperm?There are four possible reasons.
One is that his testes failed to descent properly during his adolescence.
Second, he may have sustained injuries in his pelvic region.
Third, he may have been exposed to radiation or to toxins and chemicals that caused his sperm cells to change in shape.
Lastly, the medication he takes for a pre-existing health condition may have altered the structure and strength of his sperm.
The question as to why men and women become infertile has many answers.
Regardless of what causes infertility in them, the important thing is that infertility can now be reversed in most cases.
All you need to do is to visit a fertility clinic and have a doctor prescribe you and your partner with a personalized fertility treatment regimen.
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