One of the most critical and important factors in deciding how much muscle you will be able to gain is testosterone.
Testosterone is responsible for promoting bulking within your muscle tissues as well as promoting the retention of protein within the body.
The best way to increase your testosterone levels without the dangerous side effects is to do it naturally through the consumption of certain testosterone boosting foods.
Below are some of the top testosterone boosting foods.
EGGS Eggs contain 2 ingredients that are helpful in the production of testosterone in your body.
The first being cholesterol which your body breaks down and converts to testosterone and the second ingredient being zinc which helps to stop testosterone in the body from being converted to estrogen.
On top of this eggs are packed with good quality easily digestible protein which is the main building block of muscles fibers.
Yohgurt Yohgurt is an excellent source of zinc, protein and monounsaturated fats.
Aside from the benefits of the protein and zinc previously discussed the body also needs monounsaturated fats as well as other "good" fats in order to help with the breakdown and conversion of cholesterol into testosterone.
Cabbage The key ingredient in cabbage the promotes a boost to your body's testosterone levels is a phytochemical called indole-3-carbinol.
This is a vital chemical that aids in turning "bad" estrogens that shut down testosterone production into "good" estrogen that restores your body's testosterone production.
This chemical is also found in other vegetables such as brussel sprouts, broccoli, collards, kale, bak choy and watercress.
Garlic Garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin which has been proven to enhance testosterone levels within the body while also dramatically lowering cortisol levels which is a catabolic stress hormone that is naturally produced in our bodies.
This hormone is small quantities is good but in bigger quantities has a major negative effect on building muscle.
Oysters Oysters are noted for its extremely high content of zinc, which as we know from earlier helps to stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
Oysters also contain protein which again is the building blocks of your body.
Due to the high concentration of zinc within oysters other health benefits include stronger immune system, quicker repair time of wounds and sickness, and speeds up growth within the body.
Testosterone is responsible for promoting bulking within your muscle tissues as well as promoting the retention of protein within the body.
The best way to increase your testosterone levels without the dangerous side effects is to do it naturally through the consumption of certain testosterone boosting foods.
Below are some of the top testosterone boosting foods.
EGGS Eggs contain 2 ingredients that are helpful in the production of testosterone in your body.
The first being cholesterol which your body breaks down and converts to testosterone and the second ingredient being zinc which helps to stop testosterone in the body from being converted to estrogen.
On top of this eggs are packed with good quality easily digestible protein which is the main building block of muscles fibers.
Yohgurt Yohgurt is an excellent source of zinc, protein and monounsaturated fats.
Aside from the benefits of the protein and zinc previously discussed the body also needs monounsaturated fats as well as other "good" fats in order to help with the breakdown and conversion of cholesterol into testosterone.
Cabbage The key ingredient in cabbage the promotes a boost to your body's testosterone levels is a phytochemical called indole-3-carbinol.
This is a vital chemical that aids in turning "bad" estrogens that shut down testosterone production into "good" estrogen that restores your body's testosterone production.
This chemical is also found in other vegetables such as brussel sprouts, broccoli, collards, kale, bak choy and watercress.
Garlic Garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin which has been proven to enhance testosterone levels within the body while also dramatically lowering cortisol levels which is a catabolic stress hormone that is naturally produced in our bodies.
This hormone is small quantities is good but in bigger quantities has a major negative effect on building muscle.
Oysters Oysters are noted for its extremely high content of zinc, which as we know from earlier helps to stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
Oysters also contain protein which again is the building blocks of your body.
Due to the high concentration of zinc within oysters other health benefits include stronger immune system, quicker repair time of wounds and sickness, and speeds up growth within the body.