Health & Medical Women's Health

Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis - How Do They Measure Up to Modern Medical Methods?

Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis have become quite focused upon by many who are frustrated by what little help, or even hope, that today's modern medicine can offer us.
It seems that all that modern allopathic medicine falls short of our expectations, while naturopathic medicine freely gives us all the answers we've been seeking for.
But why is this so? We've all come to know full well how modern allopathic medicine seems to only treat the symptoms of disease and apparently completely ignore the cause, whereas naturopathic medicine, that is to say in this particular case, herbal medicines, natural cures and home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, seeks actually to affect a cure by attacking the main cause of illnesses.
We've heard it all, we've read it all, we get it already.
But is this really the case? If we examine the facts, the truth seems apparent.
All the drugs we can get over the counter, and even the prescription strengths of these, appear to work well for a time, but then the inevitable recurrence happens...
most usually, this is either just after our next cycle, or soon after the very next time we engage in having sex.
This is apparently so for all of them, am I right, girls? When all these fail, our gynecologist invariably prescribes us antibiotics.
These seem to work well, for a time...
but recurrences still happen - and usually much worse than ever before.
See, they kill off everything in their path.
They kill the culprit bacteria, but also our own beneficial bacteria which act as our internal natural defense against invading viruses, bacteria and germs.
This is something that home remedies for bacterial vaginosis just would not do.
This is a bit like getting rid of dandelions from your lawn with a flame thrower.
Everything is burnt away, including the grass blades which feed the root system, and so the grass dies off...
meanwhile, the more hardy dandelion roots below the surface continue to thrive, and resurface as an absolute hostile takeover of your lawn.
Do you see what I mean here? So it's apparently true about modern medicine.
But home remedies for bacterial vaginosis using naturopathic medicine always go after the cause, and with no side effects.
What's more, being all-natural, the gifts that wise Mother Nature bestows upon us are insanely affordable, and easily procurable.
The fact is that you may have everything you need for these hanging about within your home.
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