Vaginal yeast infections are the most common type of this infection that women at some stage in the lives may well suffer from.
This particular yeast infection is caused because the Candida fungus has been given the right kind of environment that allows to grow.
In fact when it comes to this form of yeast infection around 75% of women around the globe are going to suffer from it in one form or another.
In some cases some women may well suffer from several bouts of the infection throughout their lives.
There are many symptoms associated with this particular form of yeast infection but not always will a woman suffer from them all.
In some cases she may only suffer from one or two.
The most common symptoms however that are associated with this particular infection include pain when a woman urinates.
They also feel an itching or burning sensation around the area of the vagina and this may result in swelling as well.
The other main symptom that many women suffer from when they have a vaginal yeast infection is a white thick discharge which looks very similar in texture to cottage cheese.
Also there is a strong smell present as well as the discharge.
The important thing a woman should know is that if at any stage they feel they are suffering from this particular infection they seek medical assistance.
Yes you can use over the counter treatments, but it is crucial that you find out exactly what form of yeast infection it is you have.
This particular yeast infection is caused because the Candida fungus has been given the right kind of environment that allows to grow.
In fact when it comes to this form of yeast infection around 75% of women around the globe are going to suffer from it in one form or another.
In some cases some women may well suffer from several bouts of the infection throughout their lives.
There are many symptoms associated with this particular form of yeast infection but not always will a woman suffer from them all.
In some cases she may only suffer from one or two.
The most common symptoms however that are associated with this particular infection include pain when a woman urinates.
They also feel an itching or burning sensation around the area of the vagina and this may result in swelling as well.
The other main symptom that many women suffer from when they have a vaginal yeast infection is a white thick discharge which looks very similar in texture to cottage cheese.
Also there is a strong smell present as well as the discharge.
The important thing a woman should know is that if at any stage they feel they are suffering from this particular infection they seek medical assistance.
Yes you can use over the counter treatments, but it is crucial that you find out exactly what form of yeast infection it is you have.