- 1). You have to start potty training of puppies right away. Watch your puppy closely and when the puppy dog has finished eating you will then take the puppy out side. Stay out side with the puppy until you see them finish. Be sure you use the same door each time you are taking the puppy outside to do their business when potty training your puppy dog. This way the puppy will learn to go and sit at that door when they need to go outside.
- 2). If your puppy dog has had the chance to use your carpeting or floor. You will need to clean the area well with bleach and water.
- 3). You can put some newspaper down and when the puppy uses the paper praise them, and slowly move the newspaper closer to the door you want the puppy dog to use when going outside. You will keep moving the newspaper closer eventually move the newspaper outside of the door. The puppy dog should learn quickly and will let you know when they need to go outside.