Health & Medical Lose Weight

Increase Your Metabolism For More Fat Burning

You need to know that in order to lose one pound of weight you need to have a negative 3500 calories.
In other words you need to consume and/or burn 3500 more calories than you take in.
That comes to 500 calories per day.
Increasing your metabolism will increase your calories burned with less energy on your part.
So in order to increase your metabolism you may want to look at some of the things discussed below.
Make exercise a priority in your life.
You will feel better and you will look better.
You will burn more calories and have more energy with a good exercise program.
Remember no one really has the time in their busy life to exercise.
You have to make the time to fit it into your busy life.
You need to find more ways to move each day.
Park further from the office or the store and walk those extra steps.
Also walk up and down the stairs rather than taking the elevator between floors.
Ride your bike to the store or the video rental instead of driving.
Do aerobic exercise daily.
20 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise daily brisk walks, cycling and swimming will be the best for burning calories and reducing fat.
Vary the activities you choose routinely to avoid boredom in your program.
So strength training two to three times per week to increase your muscle mass.
Muscle will burn about 50 calories per pound compared with 2 calories per pound of fat.
Thus the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn.
Have five or six smaller meals each day.
You will have a constant supply of energy for your body and you will burn up more of the calories than you would eating two or three larger meals per day.
Never starve yourself.
The human body is very smart and if it feels it is being starved it will start to conserve the calories to survive.
It will burn muscle and save the fat to save itself.
You will also be more likely to overeat later if you have starved yourself.
Remember that to burn the fat and have the body you want you have to develop a program you can live with and stick to it.
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