- 1). Collage a new picture. Using old magazine or newspaper clippings to create a collage is a good way to reuse materials that will be recycled. Newspaper and other paper products can be used in projects such as papier--mâché. With a bit of glue made from old flour, you will be well on your way to creating good art.
- 2). Link together some jewelry. Creating a locket using a bottle cap and linking together pull-tabs from cans is a good way to make jewelry from recycled materials. Link the pull-tabs together, and poke a hole in the bottle cap. Link two of the pull-tabs through the hole in the cap, and link enough of the tabs together to fit comfortably around your neck. A small picture of a loved one will fit nicely inside the bottle cap, for a finishing touch.
- 3). Look at materials in a different way. To use recycled materials for art, an artist will have to fully use her imagination. This will help transform her vision into its final creation, using recycled or discarded objects. For instance, old tin cans can easily be fashioned into a statue and covered with other recycled materials to add color or texture. Keep characteristics such as color, texture and size in mind when you are collecting recycled materials.
- 4). Expand your parameters. Making props from recycled materials is another way to transform it into art. Cardboard can be cut and made into various shapes, such as helmets or armor, and then covered in old foil to add flair. Masks can also be made from recycled materials, such as those that are pliable and can be easily manipulated.
- 5). Create a small habitat. Nature has always been a focal point in art. Combining your recycled artwork with nature will make a strong statement. Objects such as old milk cartons can be made into birdhouses with a little imagination. Using old jars to create ant farms can be a good way to combine nature, art and environmental conservation.