Let us delve a bit into the common causes of infertility.
There are two basic types of infertility- Primary and Secondary.
When a couple cannot reproduce or even conceive because of sterility until the time they are medically treated, they are victims of primary infertility.
And, the secondary infertility occurs when a couple fails to bear another child after their firstborn.
It is important to understand that infertility occurs to men and women alike but the causes are gender specific.
The reasons are aplenty and vary from men to men and women to women.
Infertility has its manifestations in various ways, both in men and women.
A gamut of factors is responsible for infertility like physiological, psychological and emotional.
Some of them can be detected through the symptoms, and some others need to be diagnosed.
If you want to trace down the exact reasons why men suffer from sterility then here are some of the common causes of infertility- decrease of the male hormone, retracting ejaculation, infirmity, sexually transmitted diseases, low sperm motility, reduced sperm count or mental barrier with the partner.
However, unlike male, the common causes of infertility in women are diverse.
One of the crucial factors that affects the organs of the woman's body and detracts the capacity to conceive is age.
When a woman is 27, her ovulating process starts to degenerate in a slow rate and when she becomes 35 or 40, this degeneration is sharp.
When she reaches 50, her menopause occurs and her ovulation comes to a stop.
PID or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease brings forth infertility in women.
It constitutes a whole range of bacterial infections.
These infections generally attack the organs that are located in the pelvic area as the reproductive organs, appendix and even parts of the intestine.
However, she is worst hit by the bacteria if her fallopian tubes fall prey and are blocked by the infestation.
This, in turn, chokes the path through which the egg travels to the uterus.
This condition is known as Salpingitis.
And it is one of the potent causes of infertility in women.
If sub-mucosal uterine fibroid develops on the border area of the uterine cavity, then such women afflicted with this kind of fibroid formation becomes perpetually infertility.
Endometriosis is another viable reason for which women turn infertile.
This is caused due to the deposition of the endometrial cells layering the uterine cavity.
In normal circumstances, the hormones secreted in the full course of the menstrual cycle throng the uterine cavity surrounded by the endometrial cells.
But I this abnormal situation when a woman suffers from Endometriosis, the cells outside the uterine cavity are also subjected to the hormones.
And this is severe enough to make a woman infertile.
One of the common causes of female infertility is undoubtedly PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
In this case, the generation of follicle-stimulating hormone, commonly known as FSH, is lower than the desired quantity.
Consequently, fertilization gets hampered as the follicle cannot produce developed egg.
Again fertility gets a jolt from the complete absence of ovulation in women, termed medically as Anovutation.
It might sound queer but it is true that women have limited number of eggs or oocytes.
With advancing age, these eggs are depleted.
And, this degeneration of the egg reserve in the ovary with age brings on sterility.
Heard of the blockade of the mouth of the uterus? Yes, such obstructions in the cervical mucus of woman hold immense possibility that she might become sterile forever.
But in men, it is a different sperm game that is responsible.
If the mobility of the sperm is filtered at the entry of the uterus by inhospitable cervical mucus or stenos, then the egg does not get fertilized.
And infertility looms large on the female combating such a problem.
Moreover, viral infections of the cervix in the form of Ureaplasma urealycitum, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma hominis, Trichomonas and others can stop the stork from visiting for good.
And if a woman is allergic to sperms, then infertility awaits her.
No quacks, no talisman! It is advisable to turn to holistic principles to get cured of infertility.
These treatment methods like Chinese medications, exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, herbs and acupuncture ferret out the common causes of infertility first.
This not only speeds the healing process but ensures that the problem is nipped in the bud.
Prescription drugs and assisted methodologies have proven to be successful in only 33% cases taking a toll on the health of the victims by leaving them with ominous side effects.
This is where holistic measures have an edge over the conventional treatment norms and help you to regain normalcy.
There are two basic types of infertility- Primary and Secondary.
When a couple cannot reproduce or even conceive because of sterility until the time they are medically treated, they are victims of primary infertility.
And, the secondary infertility occurs when a couple fails to bear another child after their firstborn.
It is important to understand that infertility occurs to men and women alike but the causes are gender specific.
The reasons are aplenty and vary from men to men and women to women.
Infertility has its manifestations in various ways, both in men and women.
A gamut of factors is responsible for infertility like physiological, psychological and emotional.
Some of them can be detected through the symptoms, and some others need to be diagnosed.
If you want to trace down the exact reasons why men suffer from sterility then here are some of the common causes of infertility- decrease of the male hormone, retracting ejaculation, infirmity, sexually transmitted diseases, low sperm motility, reduced sperm count or mental barrier with the partner.
However, unlike male, the common causes of infertility in women are diverse.
One of the crucial factors that affects the organs of the woman's body and detracts the capacity to conceive is age.
When a woman is 27, her ovulating process starts to degenerate in a slow rate and when she becomes 35 or 40, this degeneration is sharp.
When she reaches 50, her menopause occurs and her ovulation comes to a stop.
PID or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease brings forth infertility in women.
It constitutes a whole range of bacterial infections.
These infections generally attack the organs that are located in the pelvic area as the reproductive organs, appendix and even parts of the intestine.
However, she is worst hit by the bacteria if her fallopian tubes fall prey and are blocked by the infestation.
This, in turn, chokes the path through which the egg travels to the uterus.
This condition is known as Salpingitis.
And it is one of the potent causes of infertility in women.
If sub-mucosal uterine fibroid develops on the border area of the uterine cavity, then such women afflicted with this kind of fibroid formation becomes perpetually infertility.
Endometriosis is another viable reason for which women turn infertile.
This is caused due to the deposition of the endometrial cells layering the uterine cavity.
In normal circumstances, the hormones secreted in the full course of the menstrual cycle throng the uterine cavity surrounded by the endometrial cells.
But I this abnormal situation when a woman suffers from Endometriosis, the cells outside the uterine cavity are also subjected to the hormones.
And this is severe enough to make a woman infertile.
One of the common causes of female infertility is undoubtedly PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
In this case, the generation of follicle-stimulating hormone, commonly known as FSH, is lower than the desired quantity.
Consequently, fertilization gets hampered as the follicle cannot produce developed egg.
Again fertility gets a jolt from the complete absence of ovulation in women, termed medically as Anovutation.
It might sound queer but it is true that women have limited number of eggs or oocytes.
With advancing age, these eggs are depleted.
And, this degeneration of the egg reserve in the ovary with age brings on sterility.
Heard of the blockade of the mouth of the uterus? Yes, such obstructions in the cervical mucus of woman hold immense possibility that she might become sterile forever.
But in men, it is a different sperm game that is responsible.
If the mobility of the sperm is filtered at the entry of the uterus by inhospitable cervical mucus or stenos, then the egg does not get fertilized.
And infertility looms large on the female combating such a problem.
Moreover, viral infections of the cervix in the form of Ureaplasma urealycitum, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma hominis, Trichomonas and others can stop the stork from visiting for good.
And if a woman is allergic to sperms, then infertility awaits her.
No quacks, no talisman! It is advisable to turn to holistic principles to get cured of infertility.
These treatment methods like Chinese medications, exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, herbs and acupuncture ferret out the common causes of infertility first.
This not only speeds the healing process but ensures that the problem is nipped in the bud.
Prescription drugs and assisted methodologies have proven to be successful in only 33% cases taking a toll on the health of the victims by leaving them with ominous side effects.
This is where holistic measures have an edge over the conventional treatment norms and help you to regain normalcy.