- Ideas and possibilities for women's organization programs are limitless. Yet, if you are on the program planning committee, you may find yourself stumped and needing some inspiration. Use pre-planned ideas to spark your imagination and get your started. You can use creative ideas as they are, or as a starting point to use with your team and then brainstorm for ways to tailor them to meet the specific interests and needs of your particular organization.
Each idea can be used to create an isolated program, or as a series of programs to be carried out over the course of a full year. - Who is the oldest woman in your community? Who are the successful businesswomen? What female educators have made a significant impact on your children? Choose local outstanding women and create a program (or series) about them. You can interview them, ask them to come speak to your group, or create a slide presentation or oral history about them. Include information about their personal lives, as well as their public lives as this is always an interesting addition. You could have a panel discussion featuring several women or ask a female high school student to interview one or more of them like a TV talk show.
- Contact local women's organizations such as sororities, philanthropy groups, church groups, local women-owned businesses, and more and ask each group to provide a one page description of what they do. Ask about their history and ask if they will loan you some artifacts, photos, brochures, or anything else to help show what they are all about. Then, like a poster session at a conference, have a display table (or several tables) for the various women's organizations in your area. You can create a display that features various women's themes that represent special interests. For example, you may highlight local recipes, or choose a time period such as the 1960s and create displays that represent women's activities or achievements during that time.
- Invite a local health care professional to come to your organization and give a presentation about some aspect of women's health. You may also create a list of resources and other information regarding women's health issues in your area.
- Choose local young women who demonstrate excellence in one field or another such as art, science, athletics, academics, or community outreach. Have a display table with their photos and information about their achievements. You can then host an honorary reception or dinner to celebrate their achievements.
- Feature local women's music groups or local women artists. Have them come to your organization meeting and perform or display their work. They can also talk about their art.
Outstanding Local Women
Poster Session / Exhibits
Promote Healthy Living
Honor Young Women
Music and Art