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Tips To Help You Cope With Life After A Breakup

You just had your heartbroken after a breakup and life feels like it can't go on. Now what should you do? Try out the tips listed below to ensure you don't make mistakes after you become an ex.

You may be scheming on ways to get your ex back so life can continue as before. Stop. Take a moment to ponder if perhaps staying single would be a benefit to you. Take a step back to look at the whole picture. Do you still love him/her? Perhaps you still do after the breakup. Can you only see life with them in the future? What if you can't?

Take time for yourself so you can learn who you truly are and what you really want. This is a benefit for both you and your ex. It's all a matter of perspective. The chance may arise to get back with your ex and you really may not want to. Think about your feelings and your wants. The outcome may be different than you expected.

Though you may want to stay in your apartment wearing sweatpants and cuddling with an old pizza box, there are people out there that still care about you. Don't neglect your support system of friends and family. They will understand that you're hurt and need time to heal and they will be supportive and, surprisingly, the medicine you need to mend your wounded heart.

Take the time to go out on that hike you've been promising to go on with your single friends. Your close friend needed a shopping partner and you've been blowing her off because you felt obligated to your ex. Take the girl shopping and buy something for yourself, too. Go out. Do something. Life still must go on even after a bad breakup. Do not sit around your home and mope.

The hardest part of a breakup is realizing you aren't able to send the three hundred and sixty-four text messages a day you usually sent to your ex. Don't worry; you can get over this, too. Give your phone to a friend to watch for a day if you're worried about sending an incriminating text to your ex. Try contacting him/her will only make your situation worse. Begging like a dog is a big turn off. There is the chance that you can still be friends but you can't talk to them the same way; at least not initially.

Another helpful tip is that when you go out in public after a breakup and act happy, your ex may end up pinning to win your heart back. When you both have the time apart, only time will let you both know your true feelings.
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