In plastic surgery, we continually strive to make every face that we operate on better.
Sometimes the facial problem is easy and the surgery straightforward.
Other times, the facial problem is more difficult to identify and takes more careful analysis.
Knowing what makes a face attractive is important of we are to try and change a face to make it so.
We know it when we see someone attractive but it may be hard to know why we think so.
Beauty is thought to be subjective and emotional and the question of what makes a face attractive can seem to be impossible to answer.
Research studies in the past ten years or so, however, has shown that there is a scientific basis to an aesthetically-pleasing face...
and it can be specifically measured.
A beautiful face should be symmetric from side to side.
The most attractive faces are those that have a remarkable amount of evenness between the right and left sides.
This has been demonstrated through a photographic mirror-image technique.
A picture is taken and a line is drawn down the middle.
Two faces are then made by flipping over the mirror image of one side to make a complete face.
Then compare a 'right-sided' face to the 'left-sided' face.
The closer that these two facial images look, the more symmetrical and attractive is that face.
The relationships between the size and shape of the forehead, nose, eyes, lips and chin should be harmonious and not distracting.
There are very specific measurements consisting of angles and ratios between these facial structures that create favorable proportions.
The study and science of facial relationships is known as anthropometry and every face can be easily analyzed on paper.
(there are software programs that can do it today in a matter of a few minutes) Youth is always equated with greater attractiveness and the face is no exception.
Increasing lines, wrinkles, and sagging of the skin makes a face look more aged.
But symmetry and good facial proportions can still make the aging face very appealing.
Don't forget that facial expressions, how often the eyes and the mouth moves and in what direction, can negate even the most imbalanced face.
Smiling is far more attractive than frowning! In and of itself, it aids in making the face more pleasant.
There is no one who isn't favorably moved by a big and inviting smile.
Our goal as plastic surgeons is to make faces more attractive.
This is accomplished by improving symmetry between the two sides of the face, putting certain facial features such as the nose and chin into better balance with the rest of the face, and giving the face a more youthful rested look.
Sometimes the facial problem is easy and the surgery straightforward.
Other times, the facial problem is more difficult to identify and takes more careful analysis.
Knowing what makes a face attractive is important of we are to try and change a face to make it so.
We know it when we see someone attractive but it may be hard to know why we think so.
Beauty is thought to be subjective and emotional and the question of what makes a face attractive can seem to be impossible to answer.
Research studies in the past ten years or so, however, has shown that there is a scientific basis to an aesthetically-pleasing face...
and it can be specifically measured.
A beautiful face should be symmetric from side to side.
The most attractive faces are those that have a remarkable amount of evenness between the right and left sides.
This has been demonstrated through a photographic mirror-image technique.
A picture is taken and a line is drawn down the middle.
Two faces are then made by flipping over the mirror image of one side to make a complete face.
Then compare a 'right-sided' face to the 'left-sided' face.
The closer that these two facial images look, the more symmetrical and attractive is that face.
The relationships between the size and shape of the forehead, nose, eyes, lips and chin should be harmonious and not distracting.
There are very specific measurements consisting of angles and ratios between these facial structures that create favorable proportions.
The study and science of facial relationships is known as anthropometry and every face can be easily analyzed on paper.
(there are software programs that can do it today in a matter of a few minutes) Youth is always equated with greater attractiveness and the face is no exception.
Increasing lines, wrinkles, and sagging of the skin makes a face look more aged.
But symmetry and good facial proportions can still make the aging face very appealing.
Don't forget that facial expressions, how often the eyes and the mouth moves and in what direction, can negate even the most imbalanced face.
Smiling is far more attractive than frowning! In and of itself, it aids in making the face more pleasant.
There is no one who isn't favorably moved by a big and inviting smile.
Our goal as plastic surgeons is to make faces more attractive.
This is accomplished by improving symmetry between the two sides of the face, putting certain facial features such as the nose and chin into better balance with the rest of the face, and giving the face a more youthful rested look.