Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Why You Should Use a Dog Stroller - Three Great Reasons

Once upon a time, dog owners took their dogs for a walk.
I still see this here and there, but believe it or not I see a lot more people pushing their dogs.
As in, pushing a stroller that has a dog inside it.
The first few times I saw this I thought it was a novelty, kind of like seeing children on leashes (do not get me started on that one).
But now? I see it everywhere.
Dog stroller usage is incredibly high.
I do not have any statistics on this, I am not sure if there has been any research on the topic, but I can tell you that I see at least a few in use every single day.
I used to ask myself "Why?" every time I saw one of them, but after thinking about it for awhile I found some value in buying and using a good dog stroller.
First off, after doing some product research I have learned that dog strollers are built incredibly well and are extremely durable.
Pet strollers are generally built with the same quality that baby strollers are.
For those active dog owners who, for example, like to go hiking or camping, this discovery is very important.
How many times have you been on a nice relaxing hike that had to be cut short because the terrain became a little to difficult for your little puppy to handle? With a dog stroller, when you get to that breaking point you can just secure your pet in the stroller and move on as the strollers are more than equipped enough to handle rough terrain.
The strollers are also built to handle the wear and tear your dog will undoubtedly dish out after steady use.
This is partly due to how spaciously the strollers are constructed.
Your dog or other pet will have plenty of room to keep comfortable which in turn will lead to less scratching and clawing as a result of feeling too contained.
After doing some market research I was surprised to learn just how much many pet owners treat their pets like parents treat their children.
There is a huge culture out there of pet owners who want nothing but the best for their animals, especially those pet owners who do not have children.
When coddling your pet, a logical first choice would be a pet stroller as this is the equivalent of being treated like pet royalty.
Best of all? When comparing the prices of a dog stroller to a baby stroller, dog strollers are much cheaper on average.
Another interesting quality I found regarding pet strollers is the wide variety.
Whether you have a small dog or a big dog, there is a stroller for you.
What's that? You have two dogs? No problem, there are multi-carriage dog strollers just as if you had two children.
Most strollers also give you the option of keeping them open or closed.
If you want to keep your pet in the shade or ensure that it cannot jump out of the stroller, just keep the stroller closed.
If you want it to get some fresh air or you have a friendly dog and want to give other people access to come over and pet your little cutie, then just unzip it.
It is really that simple.
This has been yet another "don't judge a book by its cover" experience for me, as well as a valuable learning lesson.
After my first run in with a dog stroller I was quick to judge and even quicker to make some sarcastic comments to whoever I happened to be with at the time.
However, after putting in some time and effort to understand the inherent value of using a dog stroller I am totally on board with the idea.
In fact, I have even purchased one for my own pooch.
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