Stress & Skin
Studies have shown that stress can have an adverse effect on the skin. Stress weakens the immune system causing skin, nail and hair problems. Stress can even impair skin barrier function, leading to skin dehydration as well as allowing irritants, toxins and allergens to penetrate the skin. In addition, resulting breakouts, rashes and other skin conditions brought on by stress can lead to even more issues for skin of color, such as hyperpigmentation.
Tip # 1: One way to combat these negative skin issues is to make your insides feel better, so that you can look better on the outside. So relax and get rid of stress with 11 more ways to destress your skin.
Slow Breathing for the Busy Bee
Pranayamas are breathing techniques in yoga that increase energy. Bhramari breath, also called humming bee breath, is one of several pranayamas in which one makes a sound. Bhramari comes from bhramar, the Sanskrit word for bee. When done correctly the breathing sounds like a buzzing bee.
To do bhramari breathing:
Note: In other methods in addition to the thumbs being used to close the ears, the index fingers are placed on the forehead above the eyebrows, the two middle fingers are placed over the closed eyes and the pinky fingers are against the side of the nostrils. This is said to intensify the effects. This, as well as placing the hands over the eyes, is optional. Whatever you choose to do, the eyes and ears should be closed. You can read more about bhramari breath in this article by Yoga International.
Shoulder Soother
To ease tension in the shoulders:
Tension Tamer
Neck, shoulders and upper back:
Headache Relief
Help for minor headaches:
While headaches don't necessarily cause skin problems, the underlying issues (dehydration, fatigue, etc.) plus the wrinkling of the brow from frowning, can. Do this simple massage to ease the tension.
Clock Work
Eye muscles need to be exercised to relieve tightness and eye strain.
To strengthen eye muscles:
Palming soothes and relaxes the eyes. Finish the clock eye exercise by briskly rubbing your palms together until you feel them getting warm. Gently cup your hands over your eyes (so that they don’t touch the eyelids) and hold them there until the warmth dissipates.
Energize your face:
Adapted from Office Yoga by Darrin Zeer.
Essential Foot Soak
For a relaxing foot soak:
Mix ingredients in a foot basin or footbath and soak feet for a few minutes in a comfortable chair.
For an easy foot massage, place a few marbles or small, smooth stones inside a foot basin. Roll the feet over the marbles. (You can also buy an acupressure foot bath.)
How to Give Yourself a Pampering Pedicure
Foot Massage
Give tired feet and toes the spa treatment:
Sit in lotus or half lotus position on a mat or the bed. Take one foot into your hands, with the sole of your foot facing up. Place both of your thumbs at the bottom of the big toe and apply pressure, work up to the top of the big toe. Continue this massage for each toe. Then work up the middle of the foot and along the arch.
To soothe tired feet and aid the rest of your body, try a foot soak with a touch of reflexology.
Earth Therapeutics Reflexology Socks (pictured) show reflex pressure points.
Video: How to Give a Foot Massage
Use a Sleep Mask
To soak away the stress:
Add the oils after you have run the bath and mix around with your hands.
Bubble Bath Benefits and Recipes
Therapy Pillows
Darkness & Light:
Sound Oasis Deluxe Glo to Sleep is a sleep therapy mask. It has tranquil, calming blue lights (called “points of glo”) that users look up and gaze at until drifting off to sleep. Raising the eyes and finding a focal point aids in relaxation by lowering brain-wave frequencies. (Those who practice meditation often look up at the third eye (between the eyebrows.) The mask also blocks out the light without getting in the way of the eyelashes.
The LED lights (with a dimming and brightness control) don’t interfere with melatonin production.
The Glo to Sleep Therapy Mask also helps clear an overactive mind, so it's also useful when you want to meditate or relax.
8 More Sleep Aids for a Better Night's Sleep
Studies have shown that stress can have an adverse effect on the skin. Stress weakens the immune system causing skin, nail and hair problems. Stress can even impair skin barrier function, leading to skin dehydration as well as allowing irritants, toxins and allergens to penetrate the skin. In addition, resulting breakouts, rashes and other skin conditions brought on by stress can lead to even more issues for skin of color, such as hyperpigmentation.
Tip # 1: One way to combat these negative skin issues is to make your insides feel better, so that you can look better on the outside. So relax and get rid of stress with 11 more ways to destress your skin.
Slow Breathing for the Busy Bee
Pranayamas are breathing techniques in yoga that increase energy. Bhramari breath, also called humming bee breath, is one of several pranayamas in which one makes a sound. Bhramari comes from bhramar, the Sanskrit word for bee. When done correctly the breathing sounds like a buzzing bee.
To do bhramari breathing:
- Place hands over your eyes. Use your thumbs to close your ears.
- Inhale deeply, and then exhale slowly through your nostrils, humming high in the back of your mouth so the sound vibrates into your soft palate.
- Do this for 3-7 breaths.
Note: In other methods in addition to the thumbs being used to close the ears, the index fingers are placed on the forehead above the eyebrows, the two middle fingers are placed over the closed eyes and the pinky fingers are against the side of the nostrils. This is said to intensify the effects. This, as well as placing the hands over the eyes, is optional. Whatever you choose to do, the eyes and ears should be closed. You can read more about bhramari breath in this article by Yoga International.
Shoulder Soother
To ease tension in the shoulders:
- Take your right hand and place it over your left shoulder.
- Cup your hand around the part of your left shoulder that connects with your neck.
- Squeeze and hold for about ten seconds, counting silently in your mind as you deeply breathe in and out. Release. Repeat five times.
- Finish by softly rubbing the area with feather-like strokes.
- Switch to the left hand and repeat the steps on the opposite shoulder.
Tension Tamer
Neck, shoulders and upper back:
- Place your hands on your shoulders and neck.
- Gently massage your back with kneading movements and then up along the back of the neck for a few minutes.
- End by soaking a hand towel in hot water, wring it out and place it across the area. You can also use a heated microwaveable spa pillow or wrap.
Headache Relief
Help for minor headaches:
While headaches don't necessarily cause skin problems, the underlying issues (dehydration, fatigue, etc.) plus the wrinkling of the brow from frowning, can. Do this simple massage to ease the tension.
- Sit in a comfortable position.
- Close eyes and relax.
- Place your hands on your temples in line with your eyes to the sides of your head. Gently apply pressure using four fingers.
- Massage in a circular motion as you breathe deeply.
Clock Work
Eye muscles need to be exercised to relieve tightness and eye strain.
To strengthen eye muscles:
- Sit cross-legged on the floor or bed. Imagine a huge clock in front of you.
- Without moving your head, look up to the 12 o'clock position and then slowly look down to 6 o'clock. Look to the left (9 o'clock) and then to the right (3 o'clock). Close your eyes and let your face soften.
- Open your eyes and starting at 12 o'cock, start moving the eyes clockwise, slowly moving to 1 ‘clock, 2 ‘o’clock until you get back to 12 o’clock.
- Repeat going counter-clockwise.
Palming soothes and relaxes the eyes. Finish the clock eye exercise by briskly rubbing your palms together until you feel them getting warm. Gently cup your hands over your eyes (so that they don’t touch the eyelids) and hold them there until the warmth dissipates.
Energize your face:
- Pressing certain points on the face can stimulate chi, which will relieve tension and bring a glow to your cheeks.
- With the pointer finger of each hand, find a spot on each side of your face and press gently but firmly for a few moments. (Do not rub.) Continue by pressing different spots around your face.
- With your fingertips, rhythmically tap all over your face.
- To stimulate circulation, gently pound your cheeks and forehead with loose fists.
- End by gently placing your hands over your face to soothe.
Adapted from Office Yoga by Darrin Zeer.
Essential Foot Soak
For a relaxing foot soak:
- 4 drops of lavender essential oil
- 2 drops of rosemary essential oil
- 4 tablespoons of Epson salts
Mix ingredients in a foot basin or footbath and soak feet for a few minutes in a comfortable chair.
For an easy foot massage, place a few marbles or small, smooth stones inside a foot basin. Roll the feet over the marbles. (You can also buy an acupressure foot bath.)
How to Give Yourself a Pampering Pedicure
Foot Massage
Give tired feet and toes the spa treatment:
Sit in lotus or half lotus position on a mat or the bed. Take one foot into your hands, with the sole of your foot facing up. Place both of your thumbs at the bottom of the big toe and apply pressure, work up to the top of the big toe. Continue this massage for each toe. Then work up the middle of the foot and along the arch.
To soothe tired feet and aid the rest of your body, try a foot soak with a touch of reflexology.
Earth Therapeutics Reflexology Socks (pictured) show reflex pressure points.
Video: How to Give a Foot Massage
Use a Sleep Mask
To soak away the stress:
- 2 drops of lavender essential oil
- 2 drops tangerine essential oil
- 2 drops roman chamomile essential oil
- 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil
Add the oils after you have run the bath and mix around with your hands.
- Lavender is well known for being calming and promotes restful sleep.
- Chamomile is also relaxing and aids sleep. (A cup of chamomile tea also works.)
- Tangerine is calming and helps relieve stress.
- In addition to being an excellent emollient, jojoba oil will also prevent the essential oils from evaporating too quickly in the warm water. Olive or sesame oil can also be used.
Bubble Bath Benefits and Recipes
Therapy Pillows
Darkness & Light:
Sound Oasis Deluxe Glo to Sleep is a sleep therapy mask. It has tranquil, calming blue lights (called “points of glo”) that users look up and gaze at until drifting off to sleep. Raising the eyes and finding a focal point aids in relaxation by lowering brain-wave frequencies. (Those who practice meditation often look up at the third eye (between the eyebrows.) The mask also blocks out the light without getting in the way of the eyelashes.
The LED lights (with a dimming and brightness control) don’t interfere with melatonin production.
The Glo to Sleep Therapy Mask also helps clear an overactive mind, so it's also useful when you want to meditate or relax.
- If you don’t like the feeling of an eye mask over your eyes, Sound Oasis also has a Sleep Therapy Pillow. I reviewed an earlier model several years ago and loved it, but there is a new model that has in-line volume control. There are two stereo speakers deep inside the pillow and it can be hooked up to I-Pods and other devices. With the right music, it works very well.
- If calming scents work for you, try a pillow filled with lavender, or a lavender pillow spray to induce a feeling of calm.
- Place a drop of marjoram essential oil on a pillowcase. Marjoram helps the brain release serotonin, which helps regulate mood and sleep.
8 More Sleep Aids for a Better Night's Sleep