Emergency vehicles are something we see every day. They do an excellent job of getting to where urgent help is needed. One of the ways they get to where they need to be is warning road users of their approach and they do this with the use of lights and sirens. Lighting emergency vehicles is crucial in helping them get a clear road ahead to proceed to an accident or incident. Without the Lighting emergency vehicles would be vulnerable and not able to cut through heavy traffic with ease. As it is, many people don't 'move over' for emergency vehicles despite it being law in many states now.
Lighting emergency vehicles has been something that has been used for many years. Without the flashing bank of lights and the siren, an emergency vehicle will not be seen by pedestrians or road users. Of course, Lighting emergency vehicles is important and no one would argue that the lights aren't needed, but you would be surprised how many people would say they didn't even see the flashing lights on a vehicle as they approached it. There are a significant number of emergency personnel killed on our roads each year because people have claimed not to see Lighting emergency vehicles at the side of the road.
What should you do if you see Lighting emergency vehicles when driving? Most of the move over laws suggests you proceed with due caution and make a lane change to one not adjacent to the emergency ahead. If a lane change is not possible then drivers are expected to drop their speed as they approach. Failure to adhere to the 'move over' law will possibly result in a heavy fine and penalty points on your license. I'd like to bet if you are fined once you will never again ignore or claim not to have seen Lighting emergency vehicles at the side of the road.
Lighting emergency vehicles can be done in numerous ways, there is the obvious light bar atop a vehicle but there are other options. Lighting emergency vehicles is so important that lights and lightbars are being developed with more and more options and advance features. The flash pattern on many light units can be varied to show a vehicle is stationary by having traffic advisor lights to show other vehicles on the road or highway to move to a different lane. Police vehicles often have take down lights and ally light options on their lightbars, so as you can see there are a large variety of options.
Lighting emergency vehicles is a life saver. There is no question about that. The lights can save the lives of personnel and other road users. Light has always played an important role in our lives and none more so than the Lighting emergency vehicles have. Light has given us protection and safety for many years. Our streets are lit up, and we have emergency lights in our homes and work places. Never underestimate the value of Lighting emergency vehicles as they need to warn, advice and highlight that there is an emergency they are hurrying to or up ahead on the road.
Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for Lighting emergency lights and many other items like Flashlights, Dash Lights, Deck Lights, Emergency lighting, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available - http://www.extremetacticaldynamics.com/
Lighting emergency vehicles has been something that has been used for many years. Without the flashing bank of lights and the siren, an emergency vehicle will not be seen by pedestrians or road users. Of course, Lighting emergency vehicles is important and no one would argue that the lights aren't needed, but you would be surprised how many people would say they didn't even see the flashing lights on a vehicle as they approached it. There are a significant number of emergency personnel killed on our roads each year because people have claimed not to see Lighting emergency vehicles at the side of the road.
What should you do if you see Lighting emergency vehicles when driving? Most of the move over laws suggests you proceed with due caution and make a lane change to one not adjacent to the emergency ahead. If a lane change is not possible then drivers are expected to drop their speed as they approach. Failure to adhere to the 'move over' law will possibly result in a heavy fine and penalty points on your license. I'd like to bet if you are fined once you will never again ignore or claim not to have seen Lighting emergency vehicles at the side of the road.
Lighting emergency vehicles can be done in numerous ways, there is the obvious light bar atop a vehicle but there are other options. Lighting emergency vehicles is so important that lights and lightbars are being developed with more and more options and advance features. The flash pattern on many light units can be varied to show a vehicle is stationary by having traffic advisor lights to show other vehicles on the road or highway to move to a different lane. Police vehicles often have take down lights and ally light options on their lightbars, so as you can see there are a large variety of options.
Lighting emergency vehicles is a life saver. There is no question about that. The lights can save the lives of personnel and other road users. Light has always played an important role in our lives and none more so than the Lighting emergency vehicles have. Light has given us protection and safety for many years. Our streets are lit up, and we have emergency lights in our homes and work places. Never underestimate the value of Lighting emergency vehicles as they need to warn, advice and highlight that there is an emergency they are hurrying to or up ahead on the road.
Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for Lighting emergency lights and many other items like Flashlights, Dash Lights, Deck Lights, Emergency lighting, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available - http://www.extremetacticaldynamics.com/