Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Cheats for "Professor Layton & Pandora's Box"

    Dr. Schrader's Map

    • The game's first puzzle challenges you to assemble a map by moving six pieces into five available spaces. You won't need the piece located directly in the middle of the puzzle. To get rid of it, move the first piece along the bottom into the left-most empty space of the map. Slide the second piece into the available bottom space. Move the third piece into the open space at the top of the map. Move the fourth piece to the right-most space. Now move the fifth piece into the center to replace the fake piece and complete the puzzle.

    Luke's Trunk

    • To successfully pack Luke's trunk in Puzzle 5, you need to organize all his belongings so they fit just right without overlapping. Position the frying pan and spatula in the bottom-left corner. Place the teddy bear in the upper-right corner. Pack the book into the upper-left corner. Move the large bowed sack to the lower-right corner. Slip the harmonica under the frying pan's handle. Position the boomerang next to the book at the top of the trunk, and then slide the folded shirt into the open space in the middle of the trunk. Finally, squeeze the telescope next to the bowed sack. Once everything fits, hit submit to solve the puzzle.

    Pancake Stacks

    • Puzzle 6 requires you to stack pancakes in the correct order on three different plates, two blue and one red. First, move the small pancake to the red plate. Next, shift the medium pancake to the middle blue plate. Now move the small pancake to the middle blue plate. Move the big pancake to the red plate. You're almost there. Shift the small pancake to the left blue plate. Move the medium pancake to the red plate. Finally, move the small pancake to the red plate to solve the puzzle.

    Trees on an Old Road

    • Puzzle 34, Trees on an Old Road, provides you with five trees of varying heights lined up in a row and then asks you to draw a line between the two trees that are farthest apart. Don't be fooled by the question's wording. Nothing says you can only consider trees standing next to each other. Simply draw a line from tree A to tree E to solve the puzzle.

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