- 1). Connect your old iPhone to your computer with the USB cable provided. Wait for iTunes to open and sync with your iPhone.
- 2). Click on the iPhone entry in the Devices section on the iTunes left sidebar. Click on each tab in the main section of the iTunes window and make a note of any customized settings you have made. For example, in "Music," you may have selected only certain iTunes playlists to be synced with your iPhone.
- 3). Click the "Eject" icon next to your iPhone entry in iTunes. Then disconnect your iPhone from the computer.
- 4). Connect your new iPhone to your computer. A pop-up window may appear if your new iPhone was previously connected to another computer. Click "Continue" to sync the iPhone with this computer.
- 5). Wait for iTunes to sync with your new iPhone.
- 6). Click on the "Music" tab if you want to customize which music is copied to your iPhone. Click "Selected Playlists, Artists, Albums and Groups." Then select the playlists you want included on your iPhone.
- 7). Click on each tab, such as "Apps," "Movies" and "TV Shows," to customize the sync settings as desired.
- 8). Click the "Sync" button to resync your iPhone to iTunes and to save your sync settings.
- 9). Click the "Eject" icon next to your iPhone entry in iTunes. Then safely disconnect your iPhone from the computer.