- 1). Clear the building site of all debris and large rocks. Level out the area and fill sand 3 inches deep over the entire shelter area.
- 2). Dig the holes for your corner posts with a post hole digger. Insert treated 6-by-6 inch posts into the holes. Using treated lumber will insure that your structure will last several years. The holes should be at least 6 inches below the frost line. The three posts for the back will need to be 8 feet high from finish grade and spaced 8 feet apart. The two front posts will be 10 feet high from the finish grade to create the slope and allow rain, snow, and sleet to run down the back of the shelter.
- 3). Pour cement around the posts in the holes to secure them. Back-fill with dirt, tamp and let the cement cure for 48 to 72 hours.
- 4). Screw one 2 X 6 level with the top of the rear posts. Screw two 2 X 6 treated kickboards beginning at ground level, stacked. Screw additional 2 X 6's every 2 feet to provide nailers for attaching the siding.
- 5). Screw OSB (oriented strand board) across the roof. Finish with sheet metal.
- 6). Build solid walls inside the shelter using ¾-inch plywood screwed to the 2 X 6's.
- 7). Cover the outside walls with sheet metal. Attach to the 2 X 6 frame.
Preparation and Construction