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How to Setup Your Own Garden Fountain

Setting up your own garden fountain is not only fun but also economical.
Fountains adds attraction and vitality to an otherwise dull area.
It also becomes a focal point in a garden setting.
There are wide selection of fountains to choose from.
From clay pots, to ceramics, to bamboos and even recyclable materials in your house.
Prepare the following materials: Aquarium Pump -available in pet shops Flexible Tubing- available in hardware stores and pet shops 1 Big Basin- you may use plastic ones used in washing clothes or stainless steel 1 Smaller Basin - size depends on your fountain but it should be smaller than the other one.
It could be made from clay, plastic or stainless steel.
Mine is clay (easier to put holes).
Drill Water Stones - medium or large sized stones in any color Silicone Caulk Plumbers Putty 1.
Drill a hole in the middle of the smaller basin the size of your flexible tubing, then drill holes also on the sides.
The reason for this is to ensure that the water will flow back to your large basin at the bottom.
Dig a hole on the ground and put the large basin into it.
It should be hidden from view.
Connect the flexible tubing to the aquarium pump.
The length of the tubing depends on the height of your fountain.
To get the length of your tubing, measure the point where your pump connects to the tubing, then to the small basin up to the drainage hole on your fountain where the water will come out.
At this point, do not plug your pump yet in the electrical outlet.
Place the connected pump and tubing in the center of the large basin.
Tip: Cover the pump with stocking to minimize dirt clogging it.
Cover the pump with the smaller basin upside down.
The bottom part of the basin is on top and the mouth of the basin below.
Insert the tubing in the center hole.
It should fit.
Put your fountain on top of the smaller basin with the tubing running through it and out to the drainage hole.
If the hole on the smaller basin and the fountain are too big for the tubing, seal with a plumbers putty and hold it in place with a silicone caulk.
Fill the bottom basin with water.
The pump should be submerged in water.
Test the flow of the water.
The basins and the cord of the pump should be hidden from view by covering them with stones.
Plug the pump and enjoy the sound of water trickling out of your fountain.
Do not forget to clean your fountain especially the pump once every 2 weeks.
Keeping the pump clean and unplugging it less often will make your pump lasts longer.
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