Employing protected intercourse in this particular day in age is vital. With sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at the top occurrence rate in history, individuals need to take safety measure whenever feasible. However, no form of contraception is 100% reliable. Likewise, occasionally we all make poor choices and do not use any birth control product. It's situations such as these that emergency contraception can be used. Next Choice is an emergency contraception pill which can be used in order to prevent being pregnant. It's also referred to as the morning after pill. For best effects, a woman should consume it within just 72 hours of experiencing unprotected sex. It is 99. 9% effective whenever put into use correctly. When used, this pill uses the hormone progestin to keep the female's ovaries from releasing eggs. A male's sperm inside a female's body will have no egg to join and then the female won't get pregnant. The Next Choice pill additionally thickens the female's cervical mucus which aids in the sperm blocking process. Women age 17 and older may acquire Next Choice from their local drugstore or health center (like Planned Parenthood) without a prescription. Females younger than 17 will require a prescription from their doctor or originating from a health care center. In case a female will be sexually active, it's a great preventative solution to buy some to have at your home. This way, in case of an unexpected emergency, you may consume a tablet immediately which will lead to the greatest success rate. This kind of pill is just made to prevent pregnancy; it won't guard a female from getting an STD. In addition, in cases where a female is pregnant, Next Choice won't work as a form of abortion. Soon after taking the pill, if you do not get your period within 3 weeks, you should look at using a pregnancy test or visiting your doctor. Using Next Choice is totally risk-free. Millions of women used this type of contraception throughout recent years without any documented serious complications. With that said, it should solely be taken in unexpected emergency circumstances and not be taken as normal birth control or contraception. One of the reasons is that taking Next Choice can produce side-effects like nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and headaches.