- 1). Sand the bottom interior of the Altoids tin. Remove the screw-cap ends from the post-and-cap screws and set aside. Sand the flat bottoms of the post end of the post-and-cap screws.
- 2). Mix a small amount of epoxy. Apply epoxy to the sanded bottoms of the post-and-cap screws. Set the posts upright, one in each corner of the Altoid tin. Allow the epoxy to cure, which typically takes 8 to 24 hours.
- 3). Spread the fiberglass insulation inside the Altoids tin so that it is comfortably filled.
- 4). Cut a wire mesh screen with scissors to fit the bottom of the tin and hold the fiberglass in place.
- 5). Place the wire mesh screen over the top of the fiberglass and the screw posts.
- 6). Screw in the caps of the post-and-cap screws to hold the wire mesh in place. The stove is now complete.
- 7). Pour two ounces of alcohol evenly over the fiberglass insulation and light with a match. The alcohol will burn off -- not the insulation. Any alcohol type such as rubbing, spirits or denatured alcohol will work. A saucepan can be placed directly on the Altoid stove, over the flame.