Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Building Exercises - Workout Weights

If you've been searching the internet for the best muscle building exercises you'll have seen the thousands of training routines, exercises & techniques, most of which claim to be the next best thing in building muscle fast.
Well unfortunately there's just so much rubbish information out there it's hard to know which exercise routines to trust.
In this article I'm going to show you real muscle building exercises that work! To build muscle mass & strength in the quickest time we need to focus our training on the following three things.
While it's true we can stimulate muscle growth & strength using machines I believe compound fee weight exercises to be the best choice for building muscle mass.
Compound exercises move the body though more than one joint movement where as isolation exercises only move the body through one single joint movement.
Squats, bench press, military press & dead lifts are all examples of compound exercises.
When we perform a compound exercise it forces the body into using other muscles.
Lets take the bench press for example, if using dumbbells to perform the bench press with the main objective of training the chest muscle we will have to bring into play secondary muscles such as the triceps & shoulder to stabilise the weight resulting in more muscles being worked.
Lets talk about using heavy weights.
When I say heavy this dose not mean a specific weight as a weight that feels heavy to you may not feel heavy to me so we need to find a weight where we reach muscle failure around the 8th rep.
I try to reach around 8 reps, if I can go past 8 reps then the weight is to light & I need to add more.
Overloading the muscle by reaching failure at the 8th rep stimulates the muscle to create hypertrophy.
What dose "hypertrophy" mean? It's a fancy word for muscle growth.
The two main reasons we need to use good form when performing an exercise is to avoid injury & to properly stimulate the correct muscle by keeping the muscle under sufficient tension.
We do this by performing the exercises in a slow & controlled manner.
Example of bad form: Someone performing the bench press with a barbell, bring the weight down to fast & not under good control allowing the bar to bounce off the chest.
Performing the set like this will not fully work the muscle as the weight will be given extra momentum on the way up by letting it bounce off the chest.
Another example of bad form I see all the time when people are performing bicep curls they seem to swing the weigh up using their whole body, this kind of form will only hinder your gains & result in an injury through jerking & swinging the weight around in awkward motion.
To sum up, perform 80% of your workout using heavy compound free weights with good form to gain maximum muscle mass in the quickest time.
Use the isolation moves to cover the other 20% of your workout.
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