- 1). Measure the length and width of the pickets used in the fence. Measure the width of the gate you are building. Subtract 1 inch from that amount to allow for clearance as you open and close the gate. Based on the spacing between the pickets in the fence and the width of the lumber used to make them, determine how many wooden pickets you need to cut for your wooden gate.
- 2). Cut pickets out of the appropriately sized lumber to match your fence, using a circular or table saw.
- 3). Measure 1 ½ inches from the top corner on both sides of the picket. Draw a 45-degree angle with a carpenter's angle on each side of the board from the marks.
- 4). Set the top end of the dog-ear picket in the miter saw. Cut the marked lines on both sides of the picket. Repeat for each picket in the gate.
- 5). Attach the dog-eared pickets to the gate frame using screws.
- 1). Determine how many pickets you need for the decorative wood gate in a similar manner to Section 1, Step 1.
- 2). Create a template to mark the amount of wood you need to remove from the top of the picket using a piece of scrap lumber. Draw the same pattern on each picket.
- 3). Attach a flush trim bit to a router. Follow the line with the router to cut each picket in an identical pattern.
- 4). Fasten the curved-top pickets to the gate frame with screws.
- 1). Measure the length and width of the gate, minus 1 inch. Cut two pieces of 2-by-4-inch lumber to the length minus the 3-inch thickness of the lumber width pieces and two pieces to the width.
- 2). Lay the four pieces out to form a rectangular frame on a flat surface. Secure two screws into each of the four corners. The screws should be long enough to penetrate the first 2-by-4 and proceed into the second one by at least an inch.
- 3). Measure and cut a piece of 2-by-4-inch lumber to fit diagonally inside the frame. Secure it in place with additional screws.
Dog Ears
Curved Tops
Gate Frame