Obama gives a great town meeting! "As President, I have to walk and chew gum at the same time.
" said President Obama tonight at the town meeting.
The President started with a short talk, obviously winging it rather than giving a rehearsed speech, getting into a rhythm and cadence that sounded like a cross between Dr.
King and Jesse Jackson.
Obama's sounding a lot more like a real person now, not a campaigner; he's even smiling and in a good mood.
When he said "I'm hot, so I'm taking off my coat, you do the same", the crowd went nuts.
I almost expected them to start throwing money.
Hey people, it's not Elvis in Vegas, a little decorum for the President! He even had the crowd responding in a kind of "amen" chorus as he was talking.
One guy screamed out "we love you!", and Obama said "I love y'all, too".
At one point the crowd rose and chanted " O-BA-MA , O-BA-MA" and he laughed and stopped them.
I was thinking "he's not a rock star, nor a banana republic dictator".
Fun stuff though, a very loose and confident guy for a new President.
When asked about running again in four years, he said "I'd rather be a good president for four years and take on the tough issues and problems than a mediocre one for eight years" - obviously a not-so-subtle jab at G.
In a brilliant political statement, Obama held the meeting in Costa Mesa, Orange County - in the heart of Reagan and Nixon country.
What an original idea; you would expect to see him in the East or close to his Chicago base.
As an announcer said "the most cheering for a democrat in Orange county in decades".
This was an energized performance, inspiring and blog worthy! I like this man and will support his efforts wherever I can.
I feel that he has a heart, and that it's in the right place: here with the people.
"I'm not going to play the blame game.
I'll take responsibility from now on, because I'm the President.
" said President Obama tonight at the town meeting.
The President started with a short talk, obviously winging it rather than giving a rehearsed speech, getting into a rhythm and cadence that sounded like a cross between Dr.
King and Jesse Jackson.
Obama's sounding a lot more like a real person now, not a campaigner; he's even smiling and in a good mood.
When he said "I'm hot, so I'm taking off my coat, you do the same", the crowd went nuts.
I almost expected them to start throwing money.
Hey people, it's not Elvis in Vegas, a little decorum for the President! He even had the crowd responding in a kind of "amen" chorus as he was talking.
One guy screamed out "we love you!", and Obama said "I love y'all, too".
At one point the crowd rose and chanted " O-BA-MA , O-BA-MA" and he laughed and stopped them.
I was thinking "he's not a rock star, nor a banana republic dictator".
Fun stuff though, a very loose and confident guy for a new President.
When asked about running again in four years, he said "I'd rather be a good president for four years and take on the tough issues and problems than a mediocre one for eight years" - obviously a not-so-subtle jab at G.
In a brilliant political statement, Obama held the meeting in Costa Mesa, Orange County - in the heart of Reagan and Nixon country.
What an original idea; you would expect to see him in the East or close to his Chicago base.
As an announcer said "the most cheering for a democrat in Orange county in decades".
This was an energized performance, inspiring and blog worthy! I like this man and will support his efforts wherever I can.
I feel that he has a heart, and that it's in the right place: here with the people.
"I'm not going to play the blame game.
I'll take responsibility from now on, because I'm the President.