- 1). Join the Adult Friend Finder affiliate program. They will give you some options when joining such as selecting whether or not you want to be in the "per order" or percentage program. My recommendation is to join the "percentage" plan where you get lifetime revenue every month when the people you send pay their bill. The goal here is to build up a nice base of people than after several months you have a very large amount of monthly income on complete autopilot. There is a link to the affiliate signup page listed below in the "Resources" section for your convenience. A good rule of thumb is that each signup is worth around $10 per month so you can see how it only takes 100 members to make you a nice cool steady $1000 per month--pretty sweet huh?
- 2). Sign up for a hosting account at Godaddy.com. You will be purchasing a domain name at Godaddy. I recommend something like Getlaidtonite.com or something along those lines. What you will do is send traffic to the name you purchase and then redirect this traffic to the Adult Friend Finder web site. If you don't know how to do this the good folks at Godaddy will explain everything to you and show you how to do this(the redirect) within your account.
- 3). To get traffic to your new domain name (and thus to Adult Friend Finder) the quickest and easiest way to do this is YouTube. If you have ever watched YouTube videos you probably have noticed that people put their websites on the video so that it shows at the bottom of the screen. A lot of people (either during the video or after it finishes) will go to the website you put on the video seeking more information or to see what is there. So you can see how easy this is right? The people watch your video, go to your "website name" and end up on adult friend finder. There is nothing wrong with this. As the person that owns the domain name, you have every right in the world to send traffic anywhere you see fit when people decide to go there. Once the person lands on the Adult Friend Finder website your work is done. Adult Friend Finder will track that person and let you know if and when they sign up for a paying membership and put the your portion of the money into your account.
- 4). When deciding what video to put on YouTube, you have some options. 1) You can make your own video or 2) You can use other videos that you find that are not copyrighted and use those. If you decide to make your own video, my suggestion is to make a video that has a sexual theme to it because these types of videos get tons of traffic at Youtube. Don't forget to put your new website at the bottom of this video before you upload it to youtube. If you do not know anything about basic video production and editing you can go to my blog listed below in the "Resource" section.
- 5). This article is meant to give a general flavor of how this process works. I realize that there is probably a lot of details and explanation I am leaving out but for purposes of this article I'm sure you understand why. For many of you this article is all you will need to get things started but for those that need additional help and want all the details to include step by step videos, visit my blog listed below.