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Globalization and Civilization

In the name of Allah the Merciful Benifecent

The civilization theory

The term civilization may refer to many definitions, controversial and even contradicting ones , all related to society.It refers to a complex society which is distinct from primitive ones.It also means the humanity as a whole, a word quite synonymous to culture. My intention is not to define what it is, I'm rather seeking a name for what I have defined previously:There is at least a foremost society in a collection of interacting societies in every era of history.This is something clear, regarding from the time when humans started to establish societies, there have been conflicts among them and a society which is regarded as the most powerful,advanced and paramount one among these conflicting ones.It's obvious ,the existence of such a society is related to the settlement of humans and establishment of societies.It firstly manifests that such a phenomenon is a consequence of human's settlement, or the establishment of society, and secondly it entails numerous societies counteracting with each other. I call such a pre-defined paramount society a civilization.It's the most wise term I have found yet, and if I find any better term , or if you have one, I will probabely replace it by that one.

The concise and precise definition is that a civilization is a complete society, or collection of societies , which is completely paramount and superior to it's margins, in the whole, in it's own time. This means that there could be only one civilization at one time, considering the margins.However, there could be two civilizations at one time , but with distinct margins. This entails the absence of any contact between them and their marginss , even the awareness from each other's existince.indeed , there were more than one civilzation at one time but only under the terms of having distinct surroundigs.If two civilizations existed at one and had contacts which each other they would probably conflict each other, attempting to conquest or influence each other's territories.In such case the victorious one would be a civilization.In the case of having no conflicts the reason could be weak contacts which didn't led to any conflict, or they didn't expand much to conflict or influence each other. Thus the existence of two civilizations is possible only by having distinct marginss, they must be large enough to avoid any conflict between them or their marginss.
In the past there were even more than two civilizations at one time.It was mostly because they were not enough powerful and had confined territories.By time their number reduced until the arise of Western civilization which led to one unified margins.The western civilization is a perfect one, since it led to discovery of new worlds and unification of the whole globe .Thus It's regarded as the global civilization.
According to the definition a civilization must be the most paramount society.If two civilisations encounter each other without having any conflict they may incorporate becoming a unified giant civilisation.Remember in the case of being equavalent and conflicting each other their margins are unified.It implies they have expanded much each one is inclined to expand more.In this case none of them is a civilization any more.Because no one have paramouncy.They may be considered half civilisations, since each has a paramouncy over half of margins.
The definition also implies that it is paramount in the whole, a society being only political or economic paramount is not regarded as one of them.It must be superior in all aspects in order to be regarded a civilization.So the Mongol despite being the predominent empire ,in it's own time, was not a civilization.It was predominent politically but it was not complete, since it didn't had a complete predominent culture and knowledge system.By constrast, it deminished cultures and knowledge in it's new invaded territories.

The term complete society manifests that a civilization must be paramount in all aspects , having a superior and autonomous economy political power, and quite advanced knowledge and culture systems.In other words it must produce knowledge and culture extensively.
the term ' in it's own time" manifests that a society is regarded civilization till it's predominent and superior than the margins.Once it collapse down it's not civilization any more. The terms like "Greek civilization" and"Egyption civilization" refers to their past ,the time when they realy were civilizations.It would be better to call them " past Greek civization" and " past Eqyption civilization". In this sense the Roman empire was a civilization until it was defeated by the Islamic civilization.While the Islamic society wasn't a civilization untill it became enough powerful to defeat the Romans.

The definition also states that a civilization is a collection of societies.A single society segrgated from it's collection is not regarded a civilization because it's not complete without complements. Thus the British Empire in the ninetheith century and the United States today are not civilizations seperately; instead they are both parts of it.The Roman and Byzantine empires despite being segregated were parts of one civilization not two.They seemed to be completely apart from each other, while one collapsed the other survired for a prolonged time.
The term " completely paramount" implies that a civilization must be superior than the marginss , this involves a prolonged dominancy of centuries,besides it should be paramount in all aspects in all margins.

A predominent society, in all aspects, in comparison to the margins, is the limit of other societies.The margins must first reach and than become more advanced and powerful than it.Thus in this sense the term "civilization" is quite synonym to humanitarian society as a whole.Being the representative of human skills, culture,knowledge,technology and societal evolution, it comes the first in the race towards advancement and development.In this race, any society which is intended to gain power and paramouncy must reach the civilization first and then become even more advanced than it.
The foremost definition is that it's the limit of humanitarian society, as a whole.It's the limit for both goodness and badness.From the positive point of view it comprise of the most complex , comprehensive and advanced culture, it can be refaired as the most humanitarian society.It obviously consist of an advanced system of knowledge and ethics, which is regarded as a sign of humanity.By having complex system,and being accumulator, it gains all good values and cultural virtues from the margins.On the other hand it produce values rapid than any other societies and thus deserves to be the limit of humanitarian society.
From the negative point of view it's the most savage, barbarian and cruel society.It's just because it's more powerful than any other society.It's explainable by the theory of will to power. Power can be used in order to kill, enslave and terminate humanitarian society , culture and life.The civilization is more powerful than any other society and thus it can be cruel and savage than other other words , since it's the limit of power to other societies it's consequently the limit of savageness and brutality. This can only demonstrate that it has the opportunity to be the most cruel.The power-vaccancy theory can tell more about how a civilization can be the most cruel society.Since, it's the paramount society, the most power vacuum is for the civilization or, in other words, it can bring the most high power vacuum , or it's limit, in comparison to other societies.Thus it can obey a more simple way than other societies in order to gain values from the margins.Considering that it's a society with a high demand and dependency on the outside it's obviously more prompted to expand via the simple way.While it's highly dependant on the margins and the power vacuum brings a simple way of gathering demanded values from the margins , obviously it becomes the most cruel society.Thus all these factors make the civilization to become the pivotal cruel and savage society.

References 20 August 2007 20 August 2007 21 August 2007 21 August 2007 21 August 2007

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