- 1). Stand the dog on an elevated surface or table. Hold it securely, so it does not fall.
- 2). Brush the entire coat with a pin brush, brushing from the root of the hair to the ends, removing tangles and knots. If the dog has fine or soft hair, spray a little diluted dog conditioner on the coat before brushing, to minimize breakage.
- 3). Lift the tail and comb the out the hair around the anus and the base of the tail. Trim the hair short to prevent feces from sticking here, when the dog goes to the bathroom.
- 4). Comb the hair on its neck and chest and trim it to the desired length. If the dog has a lot of thick hair around the neck and chest, you can use thinning shears to decrease the volume.
- 5). Trim the hair on the outside of the ears, so that it follows the natural lines.
- 6). Trim away any flyaway hairs on the body. For the most part, the coat should remain close to its original length or slightly shorter, and the natural shape of the coat should be followed.
- 7). Lay the dog on its side and trim the hair that grows out between the pads of its feet. Push on the middle pad and hold the longer hairs between your fingers while you cut.